Trans 2010-05-19: “What They Died For” (Episode 6-16)


“While Locke devises a new strategy, Jack’s group searches for Desmond.” For this penultimate episode of “LOST,” we’re posting a “shortwave transmission,” a shorter, initial reactions podcast, rather than our usual blog entry. We skip the recap and get straight to our take, then share the first few calls to come in on the LOSTLine. Although we’re less than a week away from the end of this incredible series, we’d still love your feedback on “What They Died For.” Please comment below and join the conversation!

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550 Responses to Trans 2010-05-19: “What They Died For” (Episode 6-16)

  1. corivee says:

    I love the extremes of Ben’s behavior in the sideways compared to his behavior on the island and I love both of him! It is so interesting to see Ben so compassionate, love it. But when Ben shot Widmore on the island, I yelled, yes! Ben is Back!
    Did not care for the Jacob plus four campfire scene. As he spoke I was predicting the next line before he spoke it. It just seemed too simple and anticlimactic.
    Definately going to watch it again. My husnad talks during the show and it can be iritating and sometimes distracts from the drama. I told him if he speaks Sunday night I am smothering him with one of those decorative pillows he hates so much

  2. KansasKel says:

    I was thinking it was Sayid who got Des out of the well, but then remembered Sayid had told Jack where to find him. Maybe Claire helped him out; we haven’t seen her for a bit. Then again, if Jacob can build fires and pour water as a dead man, he can probably help someone out of a well, too!

    I don’t think the Smoke Monster killed Richard.

    Is it known if Miles was both conceived and born on the island, or just born there? Alex & Aaron were born there like Jacob and MiB, but Ji Yeon was conceived there. How does what we know now tie in to the inability to carry a child conceived on the island to term? I hope Aaron still has a significant role in this, otherwise a lot of time was wasted featuring him in the storylines!

  3. Felix says:

    loved all the cameos!

  4. ttscott says:

    LOL corivee! My husband is not a Lost fan so he’s not allowed to watch with me either. I’m a huge Ben fan, too. Can’t wait to see what he does next. Michael Emerson should get another Emmy for Season 6.

  5. To those who are just nitpicking. It maybe time for some of you to relax and enjoy the ride. I mean people should be thankful that a decision was made to conclude the storyline with an ending. Almost every show on TV just gets canceled on a whim by a network executive leaving their fan base in the air with no conclusion.

    At least Damon and Carlton had the foresight to plan for an ending of this story and this is not an easy story to conclude. So, for some of you, who are too eager to cry foul on every inconsistency and calling out the writers as lazy, try letting it slide. This week should be a celebration, because there’s plenty of time for debate when it’s over.

  6. Islandsidhe says:

    @HeyKir in NYC: I know exactly how you feel because I felt the same way. I sat through the whole episode feeling like I could cry – not because of anything happening on the screen, but because this amazing experience is almost over. I start thinking about how, in this busy society, things are so easily forgotten, how quickly things become “yesterday’s news”. I’m not ready for the discussion to end, I’m not ready to say goodbye to these characters or to stop thinking about them.

    To borrow a phrase from Desmond – “Lost” may be done with me, but I’m not done with “Lost”!

  7. Kelsey says:

    I felt like I was gonna start weeping at multiple moments in this episode tonight. I finally did when Jack stood up and claimed the position of the next protector. I couldn’t imagine it being anyone else. jacob and Jack’s interaction was so touching and beautiful.

    I cannot imagine that it’s almost over. I thought that I was ready for a conclusion, but I’m not. This was easily the best episode of the season and one of the top episodes of the series. I couldn’t be happier that we still have a full 2.5 hours left and am going to be continually reminding myself to enjoy every moment.


    This episode was amazing. I loved it. I loved it I LOVED IT.
    Finally finally finally almost everything is explained, they answered our questions…wow.

    I HOPE that the series ends in everybody in the FS retaining Island Memories. I really hope so. How awesome was seeing Rousseau and Ana Maria. I BET all my money that Juliet shows up in the hospital while Jack operates on Locke. OMG the best 2 1/2 hs of lost are only hours away!!

  9. dave roman says:

    “They had better answer this mystery! At least this one!”

    I think the writers already explained the light as much as they plan to. It’s just a giant metaphor. The light of creation or some such. Where spirits come from. They want it to represent different things to different people so all the science and religious stuff connects. I think if they said “it’s ooze from an alien ship that crashed back during the Jurassic period” that would be WAAAY too specific. 🙂

  10. Doug says:

    I think Hurley took not winning the final four better than Russel did. LOL

    So, was this then confirmation that the flash sideways is actually a flash forward?

    I’m imagining that on Sunday Desmond manages to go into the light without becoming a smoke monster. MIB tricks him into hurting “The Source” which ultimately sinks the island. Desmond then brings everyone together at David’s recital so that they remember. Widmore uses his vast resources to send Jack, Kate, Locke, Hurley, and Sawyer back to the island (now underwater). Jack reconnects with the light to travel back in time (cutting his back in the process – or in a struggle before hand) waking up next to the source in the bamboo clearing we first see in the pilot.

    I’ve been thinking about this since watching the pilot. When Jack wakes up he seems completely okay with having been in a plane crash. He’s just a little annoyed (and in pain) by the gash in his side. It was almost as if he knew what was going on. This might even explain the flip/flop with the Locke character. Sometimes throughout series we were seeing healed and happy Locke, and sometimes we were seeing the original angry Locke.

    Anyway, had to get that down before the finale arrives in 5 DAYS!


  11. Kevin in ABQ says:

    Re: Kate’s name being scratched out because “you became a mother.” Two millenia is a long time to build up enmity for the ‘mother’ who raised you, gave you a lousy job, made you make a grave mistake that cost your brother his mortal soul. But he’s forgiving: “You can have the job; it’s just a chalk line.”

    I agree with others (and vary in spots) in that:

    – Richard is still likely alive and will have a role to play;
    – Ben is on a long con with MIB. I think MIB knows this and is playing along;
    – Anyone who’s anyone will be at Daniel’s performance. To the great consternation of his Mother;
    – While Jack took the job willingly, it may not be his for long. Neither of the previous two holders of the job we know of (‘mother’, Jacob) got it with intent in mind (translation: I’m looking at you, Hurley!)

    Can’t wait for Sunday’ 2 1/2 hour rollercoaster!

  12. Doug says:

    @dave roman I totally agree! The light is the most important thing ever. It’s a metaphor for love, life, the “light of the world”, peace, etc. Most importantly it protects the world from the evil below the island. That’s really all we need to know about it.

  13. Doug says:

    Another thought – the reason that we haven’t got MIB’s name yet is because it is DAVID! He is posing as Jack’s son in the new reality in order to best prevent Jack from going back to the island! Perhaps he was the Dave that Hurley saw – maybe even Libbie’s David.

  14. Cian says:

    Ben will be Ben.

  15. Genevieve says:

    Great episode! I wanted to shout to Jack, “NO! Don’t doom yourself to the island!” but I know he’s the only logical choice to take over for Jake. I just feel bad he’s going to have such a sucky life from here on out… Until the timelines converge, anyway. I have no idea how this is all going to play out. I’m fascinated and a little worried at the same time.

    I highly enjoyed sideways flash Des and Hurley! I loved how Hurley knew who Ana Lucia was! I also am SO INCREDIBLY RELIEVED that Ana Lucia is NOT David’s mother! (At least, I hope they don’t reveal that in the finale!) I’m curious as to why Kate, Sayid, and Sawyer don’t seem to be recognizing the Island reality…

    Oh! And I actually cheered when Zoey died. (That’s terrible, I know, but I couldn’t help it!)

    I know I’m leaving a bunch of stuff out, but here are my questions:

    Who got Des out of the well?
    What happened to Richard?
    How on earth are they going to wrap this all up in one more show?!?!

  16. KK says:

    Ben’s eye bruise in this episode is the same in the flashsideways and on the island. I thought that was interesting.

    The callbacks were great! (Jack sewing Kate, for instance, like Bonita in Atlanta already pointed out) This episode was fabulous!

    I cheered when Ben first came on screen, trudging through the jungle… and then his reappearance only got better! I’ve loved and hated him since he first came to us as Henry Gale. What a good freaking actor!!

    Favorite line (like Mattfromnd): “30 years ago, also known as last week”

  17. Genevieve says:

    Oh! And when Ben went to Rousseau’s house and she said he was like a father to her… I got SO choked up!

  18. corivee says:

    @Dave Roman: Yes, about the light. I agree, it is explained enough for me, a little ambiguity leaves it up to the interpretation of the viewer.

  19. greenberry says:

    before bed… “I thought he already had a GOD complex before” ~ lol (paraphrasing Sawyer’s reaction to annointed Jack)

    loved the ‘shoulder’ moment between Kate and Sawyer ~ it felt like a metaphor for me wanting to rest my head on the shoulder of YAE

    loved seeing Danielle off-island ~ her French accent reminded me of my recent vacation in St. Maarten/Martin, since we stayed on the French side and enjoyed the French culture and amazing gourmet cooking

    Great seeing Desmond with so much purpose

    Interesting remarks from vulnerable Jacob about all the Losties being flawed and basically LOST, just like him

  20. MT Breeze says:

    @aaron r – I’m glad “Lost” came at time in your life when it was so welcome and needed. 🙂

    @Carol – Totally Lost was hilarious!! My husband and I watched it before watching tonight’s episode and were laughing so hard. When they started singing “Smoke On The Water” we couldn’t stop laughing! 🙂 The copy machine scene was good, too!!! That is hilarious you went into your basement to make your call to the Lost line! If your husband only knew what an addict you are!!

    @MLE – I LOVED your memo to your boss, and I’m glad your boss appreciates your appearance in your flash sideways. 🙂

    @Michael – I agree with your idea that Ben is doing a long con. I’m hoping Ben is redeeming himself in a fashion similar to Sayid.

    I loved the episode but shared the sentiments of many of you…..there was quite a bit of meloncholy felt while watching the episode. I’m still trying to come to terms with this coming to an end in five days. >sigh<

    Seeing Ana Lucia as a crooked cop was great, and I loved seeing Jack sew Kate up. So many callbacks to previous episodes. My favorite line of the episode (as shared with many of you) was when Miles said, "I lived here for 3 years 30 years ago; also known as last week."

    The interaction between Rousseau and Dr. Linus was great. After Danielle told Ben he was the closest thing Alex had to a dad, I was waiting for Ben to say, "Alex is the closest thing I've ever had to a daughter," but the way he got choked up said it all.

    I can't wait for the Emmy nominations to be announced. I think "Lost" will dominate in nominations and winners!!

  21. dharmaboy says:

    I thought the rules were that Ben could not kill Widmore.
    Maybe the “Island” was just done with Widmore

    Such a rushed up ending for Richard and Widmore. Where did Miles disappear ? Smokey rules the Island. Wonder why he was so low profile for the last 5 seasons 🙂

    Ben did not summon Smokey but he summoned Ben. I am sure we will get all the answers now.

  22. greenberry says:

    Yes, very touching Ben (with Danielle and Alex) and Jack (with Jacob) scenes!! zzzzzzzzzzz

  23. MT Breeze says:

    @dharmaboy – Miles left the cottage with a rifle and walkie-talkie (from Ben) prior to MIB’s arrival. He said he could be found wandering around in the jungle.

  24. docjkm says:

    Its too late (at night). Just finished a (too) long post, hit something, and the entire thing disappeared. Ah, _____!

    My entirely heartfelt and strong kudo’s to YAE. Lost is a milestone event, and tonight proved it. Yes it did. I have thoughts on each character, but due to my right small finger, you don’t have to see them tonight.

    I do want to shout out to @aaron r. You are one of us. I was as moved by your post as anything I have experienced. It is true stuff. This Lost stuff.


    I do. Just as G. Lucas opined when he sent the letter to Darleton, read Thursday at Royce Hall, we are seeing a cultural game changer. It does not matter who shot JR (on LOST). LOST shot JR. The bar has been raised enough to change the game. If you are too young to have experienced the initial release of Star Wars, well, now you have your own cultural nexus. Hooray! It has been overdue in my opinion.

  25. Patrick says:

    Wow, how do you guys keep up with all the posts?

    Loved the episode, almost made me forget how disappointed I was w/ Across the Sea.

    Among so many things that were already mentioned already, I really like the suggestion of romance between flash Ben & Rousseau. Having the two of them & Alex become a family would be a sweet ending for them in the flash sideways.

    Also I’m hoping Richard survived. That would be a pretty unceremonious end for him if he’s dead.

  26. JonY says:

    “Another glitch with the whole “kate was raising a chile” Jacob took Dogen from his son, why was Dogen different?”

    Dogen wasn’t a candidate…

    However, it does make me curious of Jacob’s motivation when he made the deal with Dogen. What exact role did he play and why was he necessary? Too bad we’ll never know (not that it ultimately takes away from the story, just conversation fodder).

  27. Joshua says:

    Lol, Zoe!

    ….you will never be any incarnation of Tina Fey.

  28. Chasemore in Auckland says:


    Dude. It’s not cool to rag on someone just because they enjoy a show in a different way than you do.

    Personally, I like the mystery element of the show, and will be disappointed if that element doesn’t pan out (although looks like it will..). If you PITY ME for having this opinion of a freaking TV show, well, I just don’t know what to say.

  29. Kate from California says:

    What a fantastic episode!! It was so great being back with our Losties after last week ~ when I saw Ben, Richard, and Miles trudging through the jungle, I said “Yay! It’s the 3 Amigos!”
    I have to say, I love Sideways Dr. Linus. The scene with Danielle, when she told him that he was the closest thing to a father Alex had ever known, and then he teared up, made me tear up, too. So sweet!
    So great when Hurley said, “What’s Ana Lucia doing here?”, along with all the other great callbacks.
    I felt very sad for Jack when he stood up and announced that he’d take over for Jacob. He was so resolute, and at the same time kind of despairing over the life he’s condemning himself to. I hope that in the end Kate acknowledges her love for him, and stands by him. I don’t want to see him left alone on that island, living a lonely, Jacob-like existence.
    I’m dreading the end of Lost, but also incredibly looking forward to Sunday’s show. I have a feeling it’ll be amazing!

  30. Kate from California says:

    I forgot to say in my earlier comment: what an ignominious end for Richard! He deserved better.

  31. Mike from glendale CA says:

    I watched the westcoast feed and in the begining of the ep when Jack was on the beach. It sounded like pixiedust sound from Disney. I heard multiple times. Weird??!!!

  32. ScottB in DC says:

    Richard must be alive….please

    If Jacob returns as a spirit can he pick up a bag of ashes, and draw water into his hands or is he bound by the same laws of the other true spirits, like Isabella who can’t interact with the island?

    I really think that was MIB in both instances, collecting all of Jacob’s ashes to dispose of them, and trying once again to con Jack Sawyer Kate and Hurley. Hurley doubted Jacob’s visage in LAX, I trust Hurley.

    Favorite line agree with above paraphrasing “didn’t you say there are more people we need to kill?”

    @Carol – great idea on the bullet proof vest. Maybe Ben figured that was the only was he could save Widmore. What a switch!

    My head hurts, as does my heart.

  33. Beth from Pleasant Hill says:

    I loved tonight’s episode. I know its going fast but that is OK with me, I want answers and want to see our losties together.

    I am rooting for my guy Sayid, a few weeks back I told my family he would, despite his sickness, sacrifice himself for his friends. But I fear that Sawyer will have the same fate. and then I will cry like a baby.

    For the writers to make me go from despising Ben Linus to now rooting for him is just amazing.

    Thank you Ryan and Jen for a fantastic podcast, now what will I listen to on the treadmill? big Mahalo for all the great listening.

  34. helen says:

    I am hoping that Richard is still alive, he might be hurt kind of bad but given time he could recover.

    While Widmore claims that Jacob told him to return the island, what prompted Widmore to remove Ben from the island 3 years ago (back in season 3 & 4)?

  35. Andrew B from NY says:

    I really like this episode tonight. The only thing that left me flat was the way they handled Richard’s “death”. Is Richard dead? If he is I am surprised that it was so anti-climactic.

  36. Stubble says:

    Ben’s return to evil makes no sense. The writers have just given Ben a powerful redemption scene when he chose to rebuff MIB and go with Ilana. A few episodes later it all means nothing and Ben is back to his old ways.

    The same for Widmore: a few episodes ago he was saying how important it was to defeat MIB and keeping him from leaving the Island, otherwise everyone would “cease to be”. Jacob visited him and told him what to do. Yet, he is ready to reveal his secret plan to MIB for no reason. We know that Widmore was able to make great sacrifices (e.g., his son) for the Island, and now we are supposed to believe that he’s happy if the world ceases to be, as long as there is a chance that MIB will spare his daughter.

    Why didn’t Jacob cross out Jin? He has a daughter too, and a loving wife. They certainly have ties to the outside world. Besides, why didn’t he appear to the candidates earlier, after his death and after he gave Jack time to look into the Ocean? A few people would still be alive if he did.

  37. rusty in maryland says:

    Something just occurred to me..

    Ok, Jacob didn’t want Kate to become the Island’s guardian because she was a mother but he allowed Jack to become the guardian even though in the sideways timeline Jack is a parent too.

    This might be evidence that the sideways timeline doesn’t actually exist at all and it’s more of a group “dream” they are experiencing… maybe it has something to do with harnessing electro magnetism to induce the group dream.

    Magnetic Resonance Imagining anyone?

    I’m starting to wonder if that “misprinted” sign on the door from season one was intentional.

    Ok, good night everyone. Foil hat going off now.

  38. Arbitrary says:

    I loved it, I also loved seeing Ben return to form and just can’t wait for sunday/monday (I’ll be getting it overnight I imagine somehow), and the only thing I’m not looking forward to, is the following week and the big empty hole in my life/TV.

    Thanks Ryan & Jenn for the awesome podcast and forums, even though I don’t contribute much you all give me something I’ve needed, people discussing the things my friends just aren’t that interested in.

  39. Montreal LAFLEUR says:

    They will not explain ”the Light” any further. ”The Light” is like ”the Force”. That’s all there is to it.

  40. Joy from Florida says:

    Another bunch of WOW moments for me last night!! The moment where Jack drank from the cup and has this look of realization on his face was really fascinating. How could Ben get even more evil than he was? Was he acting out of anger toward Jacob still, or Widomore, or just because he’s a psychopath?

    What in the hell is sideways Desmond up to? I have a lot of confidence in Desmond’s plans both on and off island, but what’s he’s actually doing is just a mystery to me. I loved the moment where Hurley says, “You didn’t mention Ana Lucia would be here.” It’s like we got one more quintessential Hurley moment in one last time.

    I can’t believe we’re almost done with this journey!! It has been amazing.

  41. Joy from Florida says:

    I forgot to mention Richard!! That part shocked me, but thinking about it later and the very strong possibility that he’s not dead makes a lot of sense. Is he going to be Jack’s assistant in saving the island from MIB now? I hope he’s not dead–that would be a lousy ending for him.

  42. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    @Patrick – keeping up with the board requires
    *copius amounts of coffee
    *steadily and craftily avoiding your Life’s requirements like all other chores, errands and pleas from your dog to go out and to her business, etc

  43. Kathryn says:

    Where’s Eloise?
    Will the concert be Driveshaft and her son? A little black dress seems formal for that type of music.

    It is interesting to think of the surgical possibilities. Jack tries to kill Lock, Jack fixes Locke, Jack further disables Locke. I somehow don’t think he will kill him.
    Will the plane crash again, Locke realizing he can walk?

    Ben seems to be obviously planning his biggest con. Now that he knows MIB plans on destroying the island, it will be interesting to see what he does.

    I’m starting to think that maybe they are together on the sideways version to prevent them from ever getting on the island thus leaving MIB and Jacob to clean up their own mess without them. Overall, their lives seem better in the sideways version. To heck with these games.

    This has been a fun ride and I’m sad that it will soon come to an end.

  44. Embie says:

    I also felt sad for Jack when he volunteered to replace Jacob. He seemed eager and apprehensive, and maybe that’s a little like how he feels in FSW going into surgery. What is he signing on for and how long will he need to do it?

    Like many of you I believe that Ben is doing a long con. Remember that he gave Miles the walkie talkie in case he needed him? And maybe it was Miles who got Desmond out of the well. Though it’s satisfying to think Claire might have left the dark side after Unlocke blew up the sub.

    When Jacob told the final four (answering Sawyer’s challenge about why) that he picked them because they were each flawed, lonely, miserable, I wondered if this might also apply to Locke (the FSW Locke). If he lets go of his misery, guilt, by allowing Jack to restore his ability to walk, then maybe MIB would not have been able to claim him. And Unlocke would never come to be.

    Did anyone else notice that the bottom of the well is now filled with black water? When we last saw Des sitting there it was dry.

  45. Nancy in NY says:

    I wasn’t bothered by Richard’s “death” because of the way they set it up. Richard thinks he can go reason with MIB and instantly he’s swept away. Not sure if we’ll see him again, being immortal and all.

    I kinda groaned when FLocke told Widmore to whisper to him. At first it felt like a cheap devise to keep us in the dark but then I thought about the whispers on the island, how supposedly the dead whisper, and then Ben kills Widmore…again keeping us all in the dark.

  46. ScottB in DC says:

    NotMom made it so the boys couldn’t hurt each other, after she died Jacob sent his brother down the river.

    With Jacob alive, was Richard immortal? Now that Jacob is dead was Richard at risk? Maybe that’s why he was so freaked out running through the jungle.

  47. Cue Dblu says:

    Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but it sounds like Muppet Pierre Chang from ‘Lost Untangled’ is a fan of yours, Ryan & Jen. At the absolute end of LU for ‘What They Died For’, he rushes off set as he says, ‘Oh, let’s check the Transmission.’ !!! Maybe I haven’t been paying attention, but is this something you guys are aware of? Does your fan base extend all the way to the people at ABC?? Awesome shout out if he’s referencing your podcast!

  48. Cue Dblu says:

    Questions for those who hated last week’s episode: did you enjoy this week’s?

    I would contend that this week’s episode would not have been as effective had we not had last week’s backstory. With everything in context, I thought the story flowed nicely towards the ultimate conclusion. Take out ‘Across the Sea’ and ‘What They Died For’ seems abrupt, assumptive, and incomplete.

  49. Karen says:

    Is Richard really dead? We don’t see the body, but there is the MIB’s words to him when Richardo first comes to the island. It was very sudden for all Richard’s been to the show and story. He IS immortal…. I agree Ben’s turn back to the dark side is a shock but Michael Emerson plays it so well. We recognize that Ben so well. It seems sad but that’s the Ben we know and love? A great episode, and I’m so grateful for your quickie Podcast to help clarify things. It’s starting to get emotional for us now, isn’t it?

  50. Kieran says:

    Do you know what I will miss most about this show?

    That feeling halfway through an episode when you look at the clock and think “Great! There’s still another half hour to go!!!” It’s a bit like when you wake up before the alarm goes off and feel all happy because you have more time in bed!!!!

    Great show – great podcast.

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