Trans 2010-05-19: “What They Died For” (Episode 6-16)


“While Locke devises a new strategy, Jack’s group searches for Desmond.” For this penultimate episode of “LOST,” we’re posting a “shortwave transmission,” a shorter, initial reactions podcast, rather than our usual blog entry. We skip the recap and get straight to our take, then share the first few calls to come in on the LOSTLine. Although we’re less than a week away from the end of this incredible series, we’d still love your feedback on “What They Died For.” Please comment below and join the conversation!

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550 Responses to Trans 2010-05-19: “What They Died For” (Episode 6-16)

  1. JonY says:

    I just think it’s kind of weak if the timeline we have known ends in dramatic fashion yet everyone gets a “happily ever after” in the flash-sideways world.

    But – I do have faith enough in the show that if it proves to be the case it will be well told…

  2. Julie in KS says:

    Maybe Vincent got Desmond out of the well. : ) PS Think we will see Walt at the concert? I want to see how much more he’s grown.

    Going to miss you all, Thanks again Ryan & Jen.

  3. Daphne in Phillly says:

    First time poster here.
    I found your podcast this season and have been listening to you religiously. You guys…Ryan and Jen and “You all Everybody” have been so helpful to unraveling this mystery for me.

    So if Anna Lucia isn’t Jacks husband then I hope it is Juliet!! Really hoping that is true..I am still waiting for her and Sawyer to meet again….that’s still not over for me! I loved them.

    Sawyer ends up going to the concert and see’s her? But he also sees Kate? And then he is torn- and then he sees Jack and it “gets weird” at David’s piano recital. And they suddenly all remember????

  4. JonY says:

    mattfrommd – reading my mind man… That’s who I was alluding to.

    How much did Ana Lucia get? Was it $135K? $105K? I forget… Whichever number has that dollar number ever come up before?

    I just wonder if there was a truer purpose for the money or if Ana is just a “crooked cop” like someone said.

  5. Mattfromnd says:

    Hmm, I thought Ben couldn’t kill widmore? Back in season 4 Ben came to widmore off the island, widmore asked if he was going to kill him and Ben said “we both know I can’t do that”.

    Was that simply a forgotten plot point or did something change?

  6. Dizzydeni says:

    I loved the episode. I loved Desmond taking charge of the flash sideways, with Hugo helping him. I loved the island and Jacob with Jack, Sawyer, Kate and Hurley. I just loved it and am waiting for my husband to go to bed so I can watch it again.

  7. JonY says:

    agreed matt, I remember that as well.

    I wondered if Ben thought, “screw it, I was told so many lies let me give this a try.”

  8. Karen in Kitchener says:

    Canadians have May 24 Victoria weekend to enjoy this finale!! No work on Monday for us!! GOD BLESS THE QUEEN!!

    Am I the only one that felt so bad for Sawyer when he said to Jack that he was responsible for killing them on the sub? I’ve never seen a look like that on Sawyer’s face before. Poor guy.

    Richard??? Is he dead? Say it ain’t so.

    Only one nit pick, there have been some drastic day to night scene changes. I thought people were just whining before but I’m really starting to notice it and it’s slightly bothering me. Just before Jacob’s campfire was the straw.

    Also did anyone else cheer when Zoe was killed?? I sure did! Cheered when Desmond beat the crap out of Ben again.

    So MIB wants to leave the island or destroy it? Has he given up on leaving and wants to just destroy it now out of frustration?
    Or is he tied to the island, is that why the smoke monster almost sounds like its chained down somewhere. If he destroys the island will that release him or will that partially destroy him?

    Locke is gonna get “fixed” by Jack and that’s gonna do something to MIB. It’s going to affect the way his is in Locke’s body right now.

    It’s gonna be a long week!!

  9. Michael says:

    Desmond out of the well
    Widmores people

    Jacob did not tell Jack to “never go into the cave” as Mother told Jacob….important….or unnecessary now since jacob and jack are the same now. Jack knows everything Jacob knew now.???
    Mother set it up so that Jacob and MIB could not kill each other. Does that protection now apply to Jack since he is the new Jacob, or all bets are off?
    What was up with the scary music every time sawyer looked at Jack during his “ceremony”.
    Sawyer goes through the cave to become a smoke monster so he and MIB can have a kick-ass smoke monster fight in the finale.??

    Are they going to tell us WHAT the light is? I’m thinking they are not.

  10. steve says:

    To actually get to see the losties finally see Jacob, for real, not some ghost and actually talk to him, despite not much was said, was very satisfying, plus the look on Hurley’s face when they say they see Jacob. It’s almost a 5 year payoff since we know about Jacob from season 2.

  11. Daphne in Phillly says:

    I think Jacob wins for longest Con!

  12. Eileen from New Jersey says:

    @Mattfromnd: Jack’s exwife has to be Juliet, I just hope she falls in love at first sight with Sawyer–who will go with Myles to the concert and/or show up to re-arrest the escapees? What’s really weird is that I’m watching the Good Wife and Titus Welliver is in it. Buzz kill.
    Here is a hopeful prediction. I’m hoping that when Sun and Jin’s hands were separated, it wasn’t because they were both dead: I’m hoping that he stayed with her until she was gone and was able to swim away to still be a parent to Ji Yeon. It’s only a hope, but he has escaped other certain death before. And everyone is right…the reason “because you became a mother” feels kinda lame…fathers can go and sacrifice themselves?

  13. Jon From NC says:

    Guys that is definitely the best “episode before the finale” that i can remember!

    lot a great stuff, and the flash-sideways was just brilliant, the flashes that ben got after he suffered his beating is on par with the coolness of the “not penny’s boat” flash

    great stuff guys, cant wait to hear what you think

    and please reassure me that they didn’t pull a frank with richard :/

  14. Jennifer says:

    I think Ben is conning Locke. Though he was redeemed, he is still a master schemer and could easily be using Locke. I just don’t think the writers would have redeemed him earlier this season just to have him join the wrong side. Also, I would love to see Ben and Danielle together. I have thought all along that that the writers might have the two characters develop a relationship in the sideways world.
    Go team Ben!

  15. Michael says:

    I think ben couldn’t kill Widmore because the others have a law against it. Ben would stand trial and be killed. But now, no one is left to carry it out.

    Besides I think ben was killing widmore to save the island and prevent him to telling MIB everything he knew. Ben is on the long con now. He’ll redeem himself at the last minute, and maybe even end up the island protector in the end.

  16. Lillian says:

    Did anyone else think Desmond’s expression was really spooky in those last scenes? I thought he looked almost demonic. I don’t have a good feeling about that.

    Also, I loved the expression of recognition on Jack’s face after Jacob said “Now you’re like me.” Can’t wait to find out what that really means!

  17. Jon From NC says:

    oh, ps, i would of had like to see Widmore get his one and only flashback of the series to see his and Jacob’s talk, that would have been really cool!

  18. Fernando says:


    Ben offered Kate a dress when she was taken to Hydra island in season 3

    Mr Eko told Locke Don’t mistake coincidence with fate, when he handed him the spliced pieces of film he had found on the other side of the island, in season 2.

    As somone said above, these just pieces of chaclk on a wall. They don’tmatter anymore.

  19. Islandsidhe says:

    Great episode, with one BIG flaw:

    Richard Alpert deserved a much better end than that! *sobs*

    That out of the way, this idea of Desmond as a human fail safe is very exciting. Loved the surprise of seeing Ana-Lucia as the van driver! And it was great to see Sayid, alive and well again. I’m starting to not mind the idea of everybody ending up in the Alt.

    I’m sad at the prospect of not seeing Jacob again. I’ve really come to like him and wanted to see him interact with the Losties some more.

    One other small disappointment: as much as I hated Zoe, she and Widmore’s inclusion at all this season seems pretty pointless, except as a way of getting Desmond back to the island. But Widmore could have done that alone. What was Zoe’s purpose??

    All and all, a very exciting episode. That promo featuring “The End” by the Doors all but ripped my heart out and stomped on it this week. I’ll never hear that song again without thinking of “Lost”.

  20. Carol from Boston says:

    Hi YAE, It makes me sad to think we’ll only have one more night like this, blogging about the episode in real time. The last two seasons have really been so much better for knowing and posting with all of you. Lost is a lot more fun and I am a lot less “lost” with YAE helping me to get the most out of each episode. Jen and Ryan your podcasts and blogs have been so great and such a big help. You can count me in for you Popspotting podcast.

  21. Nadia says:

    yeah poor richard…
    So what about aaron?
    Claire is still pregnant off island. Will she give birth during the finale? there was a baby in the promotion. Don’t forget the light also means rebirth. So when Smokey dies or escape or jacob does will they be able to leave when aaron is born? or something like that? will something happen at the concert? I am just confused.

  22. Joel From Panama says:

    Regarding the Kwons: when Jacob brought them to the island they were both very alone. Things changed from the time they got there to the time they died. Besides, like Jacob said, “It’s just a line of chalk.” In the end they would have been given a choice just like Jacob didn’t get.

  23. Carol from Boston says:

    I don’t think Richard is dead, Locke would have killed him before if he could. I like the way they put in some answers, like why MIB likes to have a body and walk, why Jacob picked them, and that Jack will take his place! I expected nothing less. Jack was always the one who fought the hardest to leave and it always seemed to be he was fighting for everyone not just himself so it makes perfect sense that he will take Jacob’s place.

    So many great things posted here, a couple I noticed that other people haven’t mentioned.

    Locke killed Zoe because if she didn’t talk to him she wasn’t of use to him. So interesting when you think of the lines “if he talks to you it is over”. He can’t manipulate her if he can’t engage her in coversation?

    Jack’s neck bleeding – makes me wonder if he is going to get his neck slit like Zoe. I am a bit nervous about that.

    The concert will be Charlie’s and Faraday’s concert. Somehow they will all end up there and the hospital. Desmond may lead Sawyer and Miles in a car chase in the Camaro.

    Hurley remembers everything and still wants to go back? He has Libby now, what is the plan? I believe Bernard, like Hurley, remembers everything. I like the idea of Rose and Bernard helping them.

    My favorite line was Miles re: otherton. I hope he lives.

    I can’t wait to watch the episode again.

  24. Carol from Boston says:

    One more thing I almost thought Kate remembered when she behind bars and talking to Sawyer, they almost got that deju vous look.

    Jack and Kate will end up together in the sideways, she is dressing up for him and Juliet will be with Sawyer.

    Love the ideas that people came up with re: Locke’s surgery. This being television, he’ll probably get it that day instead of waiting and doing all the pre-op stuff. Hope Jack won’t miss the concert because of it.

  25. Sam says:

    Claire give birth at the driveshat concert at the museum

  26. Mattfromnd says:

    With almost everyone heading to the concert, will driveshaft play “you all everybody” and spark some massive dejavu in all the losties that are there?

  27. Michael says:

    Richard said “I want to never die, I want to live forever” and Jacob said “now that I can do”
    Being flung a few feet by smokey didn’t kill him. If so then Jacob lied.

    Is desmond just trying to fix everyone in sideways world or is he gathering them to DO something. If so what can they do? I can see them meeting at the concert. Jack falls for Kate, Sawyer falls for Jack’s ex Juliette, Sajid meets shannon.

    But how can they affect anything that will going on, on the island.?

  28. HeyKir in NYC says:

    I am sad. Yeah, the episode was good and I have my wheels turning with ideas which I will probably post later, but my overall feeling is one of real sadness and loss.
    I have honestly loved this ride with you all. Thank you Ryan & Jen for helping to make this more than a TV show and more than a message board. It has truly been an honor to share ideas with such bright, creative people. So from my heart to yours, THANK YOU, you all everybody!

  29. Carol from Boston says:

    Great point from Doc Jenson on

    “By the way, I think we got official confirmation last night that the entity in the cabin that Ben took to be Jacob was actually The Monster. “I thought I was summoning The Monster. Little did I know he was summoning me.” This is interesting to think about. If Ben has always been wrong about being Jacob’s chosen one for a period of time, then that means his tenure as the leader of The Others was fraudulent and invalid — which means that Charles Widmore was probably quite sincere in his persecution of Ben. He never wanted to get back to The Island to exploit ”

    Did we see blood on Widmore? Is it possible he has a bulletproof vest on?

    One more thing, what Jacob did with the water before Jack drank it, was it possible he did that to the temple water before Dogen and Lennon died in it?

    Another glitch with the whole “kate was raising a chile” Jacob took Dogen from his son, why was Dogen different?

  30. Carol from Boston says:

    I meant kate raising a child, not a chile, time to log off now, brain is getting tired. Night all. All you west coasters have a fun ride ahead tonight.

  31. John in Little Rock says:

    A happy ending in the sideways world, with the island reality vanished but the characters able to remember it, is the best outcome I can imagine at this point. If the sideways world ceased to exist, then the time we spent there would feel like a waste. If both realities still existed at the end, then we wouldn’t know which reality to care about, and neither would seem urgent. And if the island reality ceased to exist but the sideways characters didn’t remember it, then they wouldn’t seem like the same characters we’ve come to know and care about.

    I predict that Jack will defeat the MIB on the island and save Desmond, who will then somehow cause the sideways reality to become the only reality.

    We may not ever find out how the island got its strange energy source, but I keep thinking about a song that’s been referenced several times: “Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket/Never let it fade away.” Could the source of “the light” be an extraterrestrial object that fell to earth eons ago and provided the spark that led to the beginning of life on the planet? Life on earth could not exist without electromagnetic energy, which is in all of us, and the same is true of “the light.”

  32. JonY says:

    I don’t think anything was ever said about MiB not being able to kill Richard – I think he just chose not to.

    Anyone else on the edge of their seat waiting to see who the driver of the van was?

  33. Nadia says:

    Kate didn’t have Aaron like kwons had there duaghter. Kate was helping to raise Aaron.

  34. Michael says:

    Maybe the light is the All-Spark that Megatron keeps looking for….

    They had better answer this mystery! At least this one!

  35. Spicer from Minnesota says:

    Long time listener-first time post/feedback. Desmond and Jack really know how to put on a show!!!! Both characters; in each timeframe took control of their destinies in covincincing fashion. The scene in which Jacob sat down with the gang and told them what was going on was very intriging. My guess for the finale is that someone is going into the light to destroy the smoke monster. I mostly love how much momentum is going in both the flash sideways and the island. Thank you for the podcast Ryan and Jen!!!

  36. Dave in AL says:

    When the promos started airing 6 years ago, one of the clips that had fueled my intrigue and has always stuck with me is Charlie saying, “Guys…where are we?” To me, that is the most basic question the show has been answering. Like any situation when you’ve been lost, you assess where you’re at as best you can, where it is you need to be and then how to get there. And on Sunday I’ll be glad to see what that is.

    Of course, answers lead to more questions, and the new question will be, “Guys…where are we now?”

  37. Carol from Boston says:

    @Michael – the light is supposed to be life, death, rebirth – what better rebirth than the flash sideways.

    At JonY – You are right Locke could kill Richard, I thought maybe as Jacob’s right hand man he might be under Jacob’s protection.

    Just made a call to the lostline, but I am so tired I rambled. It is almost midnight here so I had to go down in the basement to call so I wouldn’t wake anyone up. The only problem was I kept losing the signal so I tried to hurry through the call before it died.

    Yup I have gone this crazy over Lost, making midnight calls in the basement. I guess my twitter name of “crazylostfan” makes sense now doesn’t it.

  38. Steven Hunter says:

    This episode was incredible. Not only was it great in and of itself, but it made “Across the Sea” seem more intelligible and important and not just some arbitrary, eleventh-hour diversion. Some highlights for me:

    Seeing the old Ben Linus was, oddly enough, refreshing. As touching as his moment with Ilana was, I never felt comfortable seeing Ben as this emasculated, scared little guy running around at everyone else’s mercy. A leopard can’t change his spots.

    It was great seeing Rousseau again, and the scenes she had with Dr. Linus were touching. Also great seeing Ana Lucia again.

    I thought the “sit down” with Jacob was handled nicely. He gave straightforward answers without being too blunt or clumsily expositional. And even though I think we all knew that it would be Jack, it was still an emotional moment to see him stand up and assume that mantle. The final showdown with Flocke will be intense!

    I have every expectation that the “flash sideways” reality will turn out to be the reality that endures, and that “the light” will be preserved in some other way.

  39. rusty in maryland says:

    Tonight’s episode put everything from last week into perspective as many of us had expected it would.

    Can’t wait until Saturday!

  40. Gerardo Guzman says:

    Rusty, what do you mean Saturday? I think you meant Sunday…

    As for the show, not the best but definitely put things into perspective.

  41. MLE in Colorado says:

    I loved when Hurley saw Ana Lucia and said, “Hey what’s Ana Lucia doing here?” (I think Des said “she’s not ready” when Hurley asked if she was coming. I think this showed that Des and Hurley do see everything. I wonder now how much Ben knows. I agree with many of you that Ben is doing the long con. I think he really wanted Widmore dead and has for a long time for killing his daughter- and maybe he will end up killing some others…but I, too, think there was such emphasis placed on his redemption that it would be annoying if that meant nothing- I wonder if he wants the Island destroyed so he can just live his flash sideways life where Alex is still alive? How could he know about his FSW life though?

    I would like to know why Walt was soaking wet and talking backwards.

    I know they said Vincent will survive and I can’t wait to see him next week…sitting next to Jack on the beach at the end of the show…

    I, too, liked the FSW tonight and how it was all coming together…

    Everything that Rises Must Converge…

    I am very curious how Jack fixing Locke will change what happens on the Island…it has to be significant.

    Also- if you haven’t watched the Totally LOST videos that Carol from Boston posted – you should..I think it actually helps understand last weeks and tonights episodes even more. Those were well done- funny and informative.

    Finally- I love Henry Gale/Ben Linus and how forever and a day you had no idea which side he was on or if he was good or evil- and he was carefully placed back in that sweet spot again tonight.

    I also thought Jack did become sort of “all knowing” when he drank the murkey giardia ridden Kool-aid.

  42. HeyKir in NYC says:

    Was it just me or was there some romantic chemistry going on between Ben and Rousseau? And notfornothing, but how awesome was it to see her back and SMILING?!?!

  43. ScottB in DC says:

    Fantastic – Ben was amazing I actually cired for the first time in 6 seasons, the scene in the kitchen with Danielle was perfect.

    I can’t shake the feeling that the grown up manifestations of Jacob have been MIB since Jacob’s death. Hurley said to him in LA X “who are you” when he was telling Hurley to get Sayid to the temple. He knew Jin was at the hole in the wall years earlier with the french team….i think that’s because he wsa there ripping the guuy’s arm off!

    Tonight same outfit, a buttoned down shirt…..not one that Jacob wove for sure! He is talking to the losties around the fire and references Kate’s name being crossed out on the cave wall……not her name on the wheel of the light house. The only time we’ve seen the cave wall was with Unlocke, I’m not even sure Jacob would brave the rope ladder that almost killed sawyer!

    He asks Jack for a cup for the ritual with Jack – both times we’ve seen the ritual it’s been with the same special cup. The cup was around for the 1800 years between his own ritual and Richard’s…..conspicuously absent now.

  44. Sara says:

    PLEASE do the regular recap!

  45. nani hoaloha says:

    I met Ben at the Kapahulu Safeway and he had black eye makeup on. This is the episode he gets it I guess..

  46. Abiron says:

    @MLE – Yep, when Jack drank from the cup, it certainly appeared as though he suddenly knew something – probably a great many somethings – much the same way that Jacob did in “Across the Sea.” I just hope that he’s more forthcoming with answers to those he has known for all this time than Jacob ever was with those who chose to serve him.

  47. MonsterKilledThePilot says:

    Amazing episode. Loved it!

  48. Abiron says:

    @ScottB: Yes, the cup is absent, but where would the dead Jacob have carried it? It’s not the cup that matters, not even what’s in it, other than that it be “of the island.” It’s the incantation that we can’t hear – and the intent of the drinkers – that matters.

  49. Ttscott says:

    Go Desmond! Go Ben! I know Ben’s being a really bad boy now, but I agree
    with other posters – he’s playing MIB. I knew Ben would end up being a major player in the end – I just hope he doesn’t end up on the dark side.

  50. Kona Jack says:


    I’ve gotta say I just loved that scene with Jacob and Jack…the look of understanding in Jack’s eyes…primo acting

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