Next: “Happily Ever After” (Episode 6-11)

After a near half-season absence, Desmond returns to the foreground this week, and not surprisingly, his story is once again a game changer. As the only person to survive a cataclysmic magnetic event, he is key to Widmore’s plan on the island. And in the flash-sideways, he gets a taste of “the truth” from Charlie, and will be the one to finally bring our wandering, disconnected survivors together. In this final chapter of “LOST,” the end game has never been in sharper focus. And yet we’re still confounded as to what happens next.

“You felt it, didn’t you?” So love is all you need… to see beyond the edges of the universe. Charlie, choking on his drugs, sees (presumably) Claire from the original timeline and realizes that nothing else matters, that nothing else is real. Desmond, after nearly drowning and getting zapped in an MRI machine, sees Penny and the birth of Charlie. Daniel falls in love at first sight with Charlotte, and he gets a brainload of quantum physics. I would guess that the intensity of premature labor and natural, maternal love is what connected Claire with the name Aaron earlier this season. And now Desmond wants to share his revelation with the rest of the passengers on Oceanic 815.

Forgetting for a moment that few people will be receptive to an invitation to have a near-death experience (breath-holding exercises? elective MRI scans?), it bears noting that not everyone in the flash-sideways world would give up their lives for the ones we know they had in the original timeline. If “redeemed dad” Jack somehow gets a glimpse of “Oceanic Six” Jack, for example, I don’t think he’ll be as convinced as Charlie and Desmond that the vision is “the truth.”

In fact, now that our flash-sideways characters are becoming aware of the original, island timeline, the question is whether the opposite will happen. Will Unlocke or Jacob show our LOSTies a glimpse of their sideways selves? Will the final sides in the war be determined by which timeline each character wants to win out?

And the fact that Desmond has a plan in the flash-sideways now suggests that the fate of our characters might not only be decided on the island. Widmore’s high-powered test tonight suggests that his final play involves another failsafe-level release of magnetic energy. But his insistence on a timeline, coupled with how things may soon unfold in the flash-sideways, make me think that something big will happen on both sides simultaneously.

Finally, Eloise. She still seems to be the most in-the-know in any timeline. Her shock at seeing Desmond, supposedly for the first time, was palpable. And the way she turned from surprisingly understanding to angry and frustrated was telling. Desmond is not ready. And for him to start asking questions is not just wrong, but a “violation.” A violation of rules? Of time and space? We shall see.

Notes and Notions:

  • “Intense” is the word of the evening. Desmond enduring the energy test was as wild as any climactic moment in “LOST,” and could easily rank as an iconic image through all of science fiction. And Desmond’s claustrophobic MRI flash scene was also powerful.
  • Seeing flashes of Charlie drowning once again still put a lump in my throat. But that’s an emotional card the writers probably can’t play much longer.
  • The contrast between Desmond’s two lives — globetrotting businessman with no attachments versus loving husband and father — could have probably been drawn a little more subtly. Why would he want Charles Widmore’s approval more than anything else in the world, if there wasn’t a Penny to motivate him? Still, the moment where Widmore let him have a sip of MacCutcheon was great.
  • On the other hand, was there something more to the fact that Desmond had no family to declare as an emergency contact? His lack of daddy issues, or even mommy issues, remains one of the biggest blank spots among our characters’ backstories.
  • The MRI machine definitely had a little bit of smoke monster in it, at least in terms of sound design. And actually, the smoke monster probably has more in common with MRI machines than you’d initially think.
  • I’m not entirely clear if sideways Daniel thinks setting off a bomb was a good idea or not, though he definitely doesn’t want to do it again. He does seem to know that Jughead did detonate, and that it was key to creating “some other life.”
  • Daniel is a Widmore, and Penny is not (if she was, indeed, the “Penny Milton” of the mysterious guest list). And the two are half-siblings, as many suspected was the case in the original timeline. Presumably Penny is still Widmore’s first daughter by another woman, but the whole family seems to be pretty even keeled.
  • Will we ever learn who Penny’s mother is? I’m not sure. I think giving her the name “Milton” is a way of saying it doesn’t matter. John Milton is the author of “Paradise Lost.”
  • I’m not sure there’s much more to George Minkowski turning up as Desmond’s driver, either. But I’m a fan of the cameos.
  • With Daniel now a musician, the number of likely suspects for the person who programmed the computer in The Looking Glass underwater station has doubled. It always seemed poetic that Charlie be somehow responsible for the “Good Vibrations” code, but Daniel works too.
  • On the island, I’m not entirely sure why Desmond went with Sayid so willingly. Maybe you just don’t want to mess with a killer with a knife? But the way he was so at peace after the energy test makes me think he’s now absolutely convinced of his importance in the universe, and simply doesn’t see Sayid (or anyone) as a threat.
  • Locations: So many! The baggage claim was at Honolulu International Airport. Widmore’s office was built inside King Kalakaua Plaza, also known as the former Niketown Honolulu building, in Waikiki. The Airport Courthouse was the State Attorney General’s Office building on Queen St. off Punchbowl St. The bar, “Jax,” was Anna Bananna’s near University Avenue. The marina where Charlie and Desmond drove into the water was the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor behind the Ilikai Hotel. The hospital where Desmond, Charlie, and Jack turned up was Hawaii Medical Center East on Liliha Street. The museum where Eloise was staging her concert was Bishop Museum. And the stadium where Desmond met Penny was Aloha Stadium.

But that’s just us. How did you like the episode? We’d love your feedback! Please share your reactions, theories, favorite moments and other thoughts from “Happily Ever After” below, and join in one of the best post-episode conversations you’ll find anywhere. You can also e-mail us at, or leave a brief message on the LOSTLine at (815) 310-0808.

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388 Responses to Next: “Happily Ever After” (Episode 6-11)

  1. Quick french course and some crackpoty theory:
    We have had lots of lost characters with philosophers names: John Locke, Jeremy Bentham, Rousseau, Mikhail and David Hume…
    But in the show it is not David Hume… it is Desmond David Hume!
    Desmond: Des Mond(es) (pronounced without the “s”) if I add a space like in LA X.
    French for: (lots/some) Worlds
    I already explained how Hume philosophy fits the character, now I tell you his name is the proof they got it all figured out since season2! 😀

  2. KK says:

    @Yann — génie!


  4. Rus from Texas (Lonestare) says:

    Is Desmond an Angel of God? Is he Widmore’s secret weapon? Or lure? Inquiring minds want to know.

    Will our conversation change after tonight? I’m sure it will. Tuesdays are always fun here.

  5. Emma in Oxford says:

    Had an idea! That season 3 episode where Mikhail turns up… and he says something like “the John Locke I remember was paralysed”, I think this means that in the flashsideways Mikhail meets Locke and THIS is what he’s talking about. In the last episode it just seems like Keamy’s crew knows more about the island, and possibly the current timeline where the characters are on the island…. Hmmmmm.

  6. @ Emma in Oxford…

  7. Emma in Oxford says:


  8. Finally we’re gonna get some more Desmond. After “Flashes Before Your Eyes” and “The Constant” I had a feeling he’d play a major part in the fate of the island and the Losties.

    For people who liked my Locke caricature/portrait here’s my Ben Linus:

  9. greenberry says:

    @ Brian ~~ COOL eyes — gorgeous color! Maybe after tonight you’ll be inspired to do one of Desmond…

  10. NuckinFuts says:

    I could not bring myself to post about last episode. I don’t know what it was. It took me until to today to actually read through most of the comments….and I never miss the comments. As I read I came across several comments ( James, and others ) that mirrored my feelings. Several brialliant moments and twists aside, my anxiety has to do with the direction of this season. It may be the fact that it’s ending, that I don’t understand the pacing we are seeing, the brushing over of answers or the answers themselves.

    But, before this episode airs, I am hereby renewing my faith.

    @ Docjkm – I watched several times too hear Keamy. I think you are right. He says island. It almost seemed like they even cut the line or did something to the film in editing right at the moment it is happening…strange.

    Go team Dark!

    @ Everyone – When things get bad for an episode or two people make jokes and refer to ‘Stranger in a strange land’. I have not made ALL the comments from last week yet…but in listening to the podcast I was thinking that Jack will definitely be the one who takes over for Jacob. It’s this episode ( weak…maybe…) that we learn a few important things:

    1. Jack is a great man, a leader, and for this he will be alone.
    2. Jack got a tatoo.
    3. They were being watched by temple others & Cindy
    4. Jack never flew a kite before.

    See if you can pick out the more important of the facts.

    What’s really bothering me:

    I think I figured it out. I know a few unlucky people who have not watched all of LOST, but have a passing knowledge of some of it. A few characters, have seen a few minues here or there, etc. What drives me crazy when they talk about the show lately is that they think it is all these two guys, angels, etc. that the whole show is about when they try to talk about it. It has been much more than that…and I don’t want it to be just that. I feel like it is important to see the whole series and not just watch the finale or 6th season and think you know the show. Take the movie “The Sixth Sense” – spoiler for those that have not seen the end do not read – – and how if you go to the movie knowing that Bruce Willis is dead the whole time then the mystery did not matter. I’m so used to telling people that I can’t explain LOST to them that I just don’t want that to go away.

  11. @ Brian in Hollywood

    Gnarly picture! Can I save it to my computer? It would make an awesome desktop picture!
    So cool!

    Don’t worry ya’ll negativefeelers. It’s a des episode.
    Allegedly the conversation will change.
    I feel it will. =)

  12. @ Knives Monroe

    Feel free to download my pics. I’m posting these for other LOST fans to enjoy.

  13. Coolpeace says:

    It’s Tuesday and I am home early from work… will be able to catch the show at 7:00 pm and again at 9:00 pm. Love it when I can do that.

    @ Brian : love it !!

    @ NuckingFuts : Don’t worry about the show being ultimately only about Jacob and MIB. They are certainly part of the story but not the full story. I remember when people were complaining in season 4 that the show had turned into the Ben Linus show. Well, he was an important story element but look at him now. Our original Losties have one up on him. I am not saying he will not regain in importance, and I don’t count him out, however it illustrates my point.

    Also, you having seen all the seasons, know and will ultimately understand the show better than those who just on board at the end. Let them talk, or if you are kind fill them in a little and encourage them to go back to the DVDs and watch from the begining.

    However, we the peeps who actively participated in the ‘LOST’ online experience (not the arg) with blogs, podcasts, recaps and forum discussions have had it the best. I doubt they could possibly enjoy and interpret the nuances by themselves… so, yeah be kind, help them out.

    @ Yann : also if you just pronounce DES MOND, you get DEMON, or DEVIL in anglais.

    @ Knives ; re: the conversation will change … I wonder what new story element they will reveal tonight?? One hour to go.

  14. Carol from Boston says:

    @Nuckinfuts – the actor who plays keamy says that he didn’t say island, even though it sounds like that. It was posted by Jorge on his Gerimono Jack’s Beard facebook page, the scrip doesn’t say island either. You should listen to that podcast “meet the filmmakers” with Damon and Carlton you’ll feel better. It helps to know the reasoning behind what they do. But you know that I agree with what you are saying, we’ve been pretty much on the same page with the whole devil/angel stuff.

    @Brian – love the pic! Did you start out with a picture image and then use photoshop to mess with it? I find it very difficult to draw with photoshop, I do love illustrator. I decided to impress my son with your skateboards, “yup, I know him” lol He was impressed even if we just know each other from the board. You have a lot of talent. I am just starting out in graphic design. I got certified for print and web. I already have a BA in English/Communications so I was lazy and didn’t go for a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design. Which I know will probably hurt me finding a job. But you are very talented and I have a long way to go to ever get to your level.

    @Rus – I really feel that Desmond’s importance has something to do with the electromagnetism from the hatch blowing. Call it a gut feeling. But knowing this show I’ll be totally wrong. lol

    I am expecting greatness tonight, I hope I don’t get disappointed. BTW, Sayid in the water was really scary. I am surprised Desmond didn’t gasp.

  15. @ Carol – Thanks for the kind words. About my process: First I find a picture to use as reference. Then I print it out and tape it on to the side of my monitor to look at. Then I use a Wacom tablet to draw right in Photoshop. I start with large rough shapes and slowly build up the image like a traditional painting. Photoshop comes with a lot of brushes that mimic natural media and work with the pressure sensitivity of the tablet. I’ve been drawing my whole life and went to School of Visual Arts where I studies illustration, design and photography. At the end of my third year I was offered a sweet job and never graduated. It all worked out okay though… 😀

  16. Carol from Boston says:

    @Brian – you’re livin’ the dream. That is great that you can work doing what you love. Right now I work in a library and I am bored, bored, bored. I love books but I need something new. So I decided to get retrained for a new career. I need to use my creative side. Are there any “lost” related jobs out there? Anybody need a crackpot lost theorist? Ha!

  17. Coolpeace says:

    HOLY FREAKIN’ CRAP … OMG, OMG, OMG …. I love Lost.

    Can’t wait for the conversation to start !!!!

  18. Rich in Cleveland says:

    “This island–it’s not what you think it is…..”

    That’s what I’m waiting for.

  19. Coolpeace says:

    @ Rich in Cleveland and @ you all everybody : I’m waiting to pick your brains 😉

  20. Carol from Boston says:

    I am sorry for veering off the Lost subject above, I won’t do it again.

    Okay, predictions for how many times we hear “Brotha” tonight? I am expecting some great insights from everybody. Can’t wait to hear what Ryan and Jen think about it.

  21. Pete from Rockford says:

    I want to address something I heard on the most recent podcast. A listener was upset because of the lack of answers (at least from his point of view).

    If I recall correctly, Ryan once said (and I’d like to reiterate) — “If you’re only watching LOST with a checklist of questions you want answered, you’re watching for the wrong reasons.”

    Sit back and enjoy the ride!

  22. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    Meet the Filmakers was a very cool interview, I finally caught it today.
    Just minutes away from a Desmond Fix. Hooray

  23. Okay well I’m 20 minutes. Gotta do my PRE LOST interview!!
    I’ll see you guys on the other side in an hour!

  24. Jesse says:

    I go out of town for 3 weeks and I miss so much….
    i will have lots to post tonight! COUNT ON IT.

  25. Butch says:

    @grow up – please! If the island is underwater, then one of two things must be true. MIB got off, or He didn’t. Period. The End. Now, seriously, did that spoil anything?

  26. Eric in Sedona says:

    Although there are notably different circumstances, I worry that Desmond’s appearance from a submarine at the end of an episode and Faraday’s appearance from a submarine at the end of an episode does not bode well for our transtemporal Scot. It just seems thematically to fit that this this Desmond-centricity might be a Swan [Station] Song. (I’m not counting the ABC promo as anything but evidence that this is a Desmond episode; we know how cheaply deceptive they can be. But the show itself suggests this.)

    I’m hoping that if the two arrivals were meant to suggest one another (and I know it;s not shot the same), that the producers are trying to use that thematic similarity as a fakeout. Or perhaps they just used Faraday & then Desmond at the end of each episode to make it an “And Thud” moment. With submarines used both times because there are limited ways to get to the island. I hope that this is one of those times when a submarine is just a submarine.

    Still, I worry.

  27. Stephen says:

    At the end of Ab Aeterno, when Jacob meets up with the Man in Black sitting on the log, I immediately couldn’t stop thinking about the wolf and sheepdog Looney Tunes cartoons ( `Morning, Sam. Morning, Ralph.’ Two adversaries during their day jobs, I recall that they both would start the day, sitting beside each other, drinking coffee, and making small talk, before the horn sounded, and the violence began. Probably means nothing, nor explains anything, but there’s something about the relationship between Jacob and MIB that at least reminds me of Sam and Ralph.

    Just finished watching Happily Ever After, and holy freakin’ crap. I can’t wait to watch it again.

  28. steve says:

    OK, Charlie Pace is channelling his character from Flash Forward just a bit much. Still a half hour to go. Flash Forward is bleeding into LOST.

  29. Rus from Texas (Lonestare) says:


    THIS EPISODE IS What I’m talking about!!! Wow. Wow. Wow.

    The parallels are amazing… more later. Commercial almost done.

  30. hammer says:

    holly mother Brotha

  31. Butch says:

    I ain’t gonna spoil anyone on anything, but if I hear anymore whining after the brilliant episode I just saw, all I can say is some people can never be satisfied.

  32. Michael says:

    Holy CRAP! that was an incredible scene!!!! No spoilers but absolutely INCREDIBLE.

  33. Mattfromnd says:

    In the mortal words of John Locke, ” we’re gonna need to watch that again”

  34. Ryan says:

    You don’t need to worry about spoiling tonight’s episode. Let it all hang out.

  35. John Fischer says:

    Well, I don’t want to spoil this for anyone but I can say of all of the episodes of LOST I’ve ever seen, this one has left me totally confused. I have no idea of what I just saw.

  36. James says:

    I take back what I said last week. That was incredible.

  37. Angela says:

    I thought I understood “sorta” what was going on till Sayid showed up and
    Des went WITH him! I am so confused now it’s crazy. Also, did the painting of the scales in Widmore’s office change sides?

    And this is terrible, but all I could think of as Charlie ran down the hall in the hospital gown, was “hobbit on the loose!

    Great episode.

  38. hammer says:

    Anyone get the feeling we’ve seen this episode before? 😉

  39. steve says:

    I haven’t had time to think it through, but the Flash Sideways as an epilogue, based on what we saw tonight. That’s not the case anymore? The Flash Sideways, the 2004 prime (as in math, you have a variable a and then a prime), the Losties in 2004 prime are somehow going to do something to get back into 2007 original current timeline?

    The whole Charlie/Desmond interaction in Los Angeles sent chills up my spin, especially the hand on the window flash. That was seriously bone chilling.

  40. Mattfromnd says:

    Ugh, I don’t know why I bother going to other lost discussion sights, every board is already filled with people saying the episode sucked. ???? That was awesome, pure and simple awesome. People that say it sucked need to have their head examined.

  41. LReene says:

    First time I’ve ever said it, but HFC!!! This HAS to be the best episode yet (until next week comes that is).

    For all those that haven’t seen it yet (Ryan & Jen :-), just wait! Things are for sure starting to come together. DARLTON are brilliant!!

  42. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    Can’t wait til morning to read reactions and reviews.
    I wonder if “IT” can only be seen by altered energetic states: pregnancy (claire), adrenaline (Kate escaping), drugs (Charlie), I’m sure our other charcters will have similar kinds of tuning into “IT”.


    Desmond is good as dead if he hangs with Sayid anylonger. That isnt good!

    BUT G******* great episode!!!

    My personal favourite of the season!!! WOW


  44. lucydog says:

    Amazing! I won’t even post anything until the west coast gets to watch! I’ll be back. Enjoy the show west coasters! You’re in for a great ride.

  45. Thom with an H says:

    Brilliant episode. It’s FINALLY coming together. Now we know how the two worlds will meet and the door is Desmond (and love is the key)! I’ve been waiting for this moment since the premiere of season six. Buckle your seat belts, they just stepped on the accelerator!

  46. LauraR says:

    We are going to have TONS to talk about with this episode. OMG to the 100th degree! Mind blowing!

  47. Ron Kaplan says:

    Finally, the pieces are slowly starting to come together. We wondered how the characters would interconnect? There’s Desmond, Charlie, Widmore, Eloise, Daniel, Penny, Jack — all in one flash-sideways. And Daniel — who seemed to fulfill his “destiny” as a classical musician — can’t escape his greater destiny, as apparently, the others can’t as well.

  48. Rob says:

    Wow. Great episode. Too much off island, but it was great to see it connect. Despite it being 3 seconds long, the showing of charlies death made me cry. Watched the episode the constant before this episode. I made lots of ties to to this episode.

  49. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    That was a very fast hour! Still many questions but it appears Desmond may now know the answers.

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