Next: “Ab Aeterno” (Episode 6-09)

It was the best of episodes, it was the worst of episodes. A tale of two LOSTs came to us tonight, and the chasm between fans who liked it and fans who didn’t will probably never be wider. Perhaps “Ab Aeterno” was a breathtaking, deep, and daring voyage into the heart of a man and, therein, the heart of the whole series. Or, perhaps it was merely an extended flashback for a secondary character that ended with absolutely no forward momentum on the island.

We choose the former. We loved this episode.

If only for tonight, we forgot about numbers and vaccines and time travel, and immersed ourselves in the story of Ricardus — the rich Spanish settings, the lingering moments of terror and despair aboard the Black Rock, the eternal chess game between the Man in Black and Jacob, and throughout, Nestor Carbonell’s fantastic performance. When Richard is visited by the form of Isabelle, we were enthralled. We couldn’t believe this eerie scene was part of the same show that started with a plane crash five years ago.

Before we even thought about where the pieces fit, “Ab Aeterno” reaffirmed our love of the picture being painted. In the end, will it be incomplete, fragmented, and confounding? We have no doubt. But six seasons in, “LOST” is still taking chances, posing big questions, and for that, we still think it’s the best show on television.

Nonetheless, the puzzle pieces demand some study.

No, the island is not hell, nor purgatory… yet it is the closest thing to it, in both the corporeal and metaphysical sense. Indeed, Alpert’s early declaration that they’re all dead is not entirely untrue. Souls come to the island to be tested, and have so far unanimously failed. Sounds like hell to us. We also learn that the island is a “cork” that keeps malevolence and evil contained, and that our survivors are pawns in an epic battle between darkness and its captor.

So: Before the Man In Black escapes, can the last of the candidates prove Jacob’s case? Can they demonstrate that people can choose the right path?

That seems to be “LOST” in a nutshell. The players and stories are simply human. Jack, Kate, Hurley, a Kwon… Their pasts don’t matter, yet obviously inform their future. But stakes are huge. Biblical, global, and universal. It seems impossible for “LOST” to satisfactorily resolve these grand themes in the next seven episodes, let alone a million other frayed threads. We’re afraid vindication may only come after re-watching the series from the beginning, after seeing everything through Season Six eyes.

Interestingly, we saw a distinct parallel between Richard’s failed attempt on Jacob’s life and Sayid’s failure to kill the Man in Black. The fact that both sides may be intent on murder certainly muddies the “good versus evil” waters. Also, even though we still don’t know what rules are in force (and thus what “loophole” Ben stepped through to finally stab Jacob), I was surprised by the suggestion that Alpert was the first to try. Coming to the island in the 1800s, his story already began much more recently than I’d assumed. Which means that the conflict has only recently turned ugly, maybe as Jacob’s candidates have started to run out.

On the questions checklist, meanwhile, we can cross out both “what destroyed the statue” and “how did the Black Rock end up in the jungle” with the same stroke. The physics seem a little iffy, but then again, there’s also a smoke monster on this show. Speaking of which, it’s now clear that said smoke monster “scans” people to find their motivations and weaknesses, if not also their usefulness. Conjuring dead wives, or daughters (Alex), or brothers (Yemi) is a useful power to get people to do things for you, and it’s a power that Jacob explicitly admits tonight that he lacks.

He can, however, grant immortality. And I’m curious why Alpert became Jacob’s ageless intermediary, when all who came before and after him were merely candidates to test. I’m guessing Alpert was a candidate himself, explaining why was he the only person on the Black Rock that the smoke monster didn’t kill. But did he end up extra special because he was the first to come at Jacob with a dagger, demonstrating to Jacob that he needed a helper?

And now, decades later, Richard is weak and tries to join the Man In Black. His dead wife, through Hurley, puts him back on track. Like Ben, he’s nearly led astray, but sticks with Jacob’s team. But also like Ben, I now wonder what else is left for him to do. I don’t know who’s going to be the last man standing against the Man In Black, but I’m pretty sure it’s not either of them.

We’re glad “LOST” took us on a ride into the past this week. But next week, we better rack up some serious mileage on the island.

Notes and Notions:

  • Jen’s now fixated on Anthony Cooper. The man who appeared mysteriously on the island, and whom Ben prodded Locke to murder. With a knife. Quickly, before he had a chance to think. Was that whole scenario yet another “move” between Jacob and the Man in Black? And if so, who’s side did Anthony Cooper represent?
  • Alpert’s backstory was almost flawless. But the ease with which the greedy doctor was killed was a bit silly. Coupled with Kelvin’s noggin knock at Desmond’s hands, it seems skulls on “LOST” are especially fragile.
  • Now that we see even more significance and history to Alpert’s character, it’s hard not to think about some of the things he’s done in seasons past. The fact that he was merely a thug for Ben in “The Brig” seems ridiculous, as does his apparently pivotal role in “The Purge.” Was he acting in Jacob’s interests then? And how does that jive with his efforts to sustain a truce further back in 1977?
  • Richard’s devotion to Isabella was well acted, but I couldn’t help but think it was an interesting choice to motivate him with his love for a spouse, rather than for a parent or especially a child. With all the generational issues explored on “LOST,” hanging things on a husband and wife bond seemed almost quaint.
  • Some great, lighter moments: Richard’s almost girlish giggle when he’s asked what to do. Hurley telling Jack it’s not about him. And the look on the Man in Black’s face when Alpert hands him the white stone.
  • The captain of the Black Rock was one Magnus Hanso. Presumably related to Alvar Hanso of the nearly forgotten Hanso Foundation, which funded the DHARMA Initiative. I wonder if this one mention of the Hanso name will be all we’ll see in the show from the Season 2 ARG? Or will the arrival of Charles Widmore open the door to a little more Hanso/DHARMA backstory?
  • Lots of overtly Christian elements this week. God, the devil, a bible, a cross, sin, absolution and forgiveness, penitence… There was a lingering shot of Luke 4:24-29, in which Jesus asserts that prophets are often rejected in their own neighborhoods, and angers the people of Nazareth by telling them not to expect any special treatment even though he’s from their town. I’ll leave it to more qualified scholars to tease out how the passage applies to “LOST.” I’m also sure the nail Richard found on the Black Rock was symbolic, but don’t know how.
  • At the end of Season 5, Jacob and the Man In Black see a ship sailing on calm seas in the middle of a bright, sunny day. Yet we now know the Black Rock arrived on a stormy night… delivered by a huge wave, no less. Presumably the first ship wasn’t the Black Rock, but one of many other vessels that Jacob has summoned.

What did you think? We’d love your feedback! Share your thoughts, theories, and reactions to “Ab Aeterno” via a comment below, e-mail us at, or call the LOSTLine at (815) 310-0808.

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404 Responses to Next: “Ab Aeterno” (Episode 6-09)

  1. Mattfromnd says:

    Based on the centric and what I’ve read about this one, if it doesn’t deliver some epic information, there might be rioting in the streets and Darlton may need witness protection. LOL

  2. Mattfromnd says:

    Remember, tonight’s episode runs about 6 minutes longer , so if you’re recording make sure it’s set up for a little extra time.

  3. Euell says:

    Reading through plot summaries in preparation for this episode, it occurs to me that Ben’s “healing” in the temple was probably the same healing Sayid, Claire and – perhaps – Rousseau experienced. I suspect he didn’t do well on the evil barometric test and was released back to DHARMA when he failed Jacob’s candidacy prospect. “Splains Ben’s apparent evil nature?

  4. Michelle in NY says:

    I’m SO excited for this!

  5. Carol from Boston says:

    3 more hours!! Can’t wait.

    @Matt, thanks for the heads up about the time.

  6. Carmine from Connecticut says:

    6 minutes longer for the episode. I initially got excited. Then realized that ABC will just through in 2 more commercials. LOL

  7. Rus from Texas (Lonestare) says:

    Looking forward to it. One of my top questions is what skin creams Jacob and Richard use to stay looking so young.

  8. Answers!!! So badly needed! I just can’t wait!

  9. Carol from Boston says:

    Who else is putting their kids to bed early? Gotta enjoy this episode in peace and quiet. 🙂

  10. greenberry says:

    I am empty nest now — yay!! But my husband (who does not dig the show) knows he can not make a peep!

  11. Rich in Cleveland says:

    Let’s hope for convergence and/or the veil to be lifted.

    On Smokey’s focus on decorum from the podcast: “Pleased to meet you, have you guessed my name? “

  12. Alan says:

    Just finished watching the episode (its on 2 hours early to accomodate Idol)…and all i can say is WOW!!! unbelievable episode. Easily the best one yet since Season 1, Episode 1….unbelievable….

  13. Alan in New Brunswick says:

    BTW, I’m in Canada…go Habs go.

  14. Rus from Texas (Lonestare) says:

    Here we go!

  15. from the first 2 minutes here, im about to be really mad….

  16. David says:

    Okay, maybe the priest was MIB or maybe not, but as a Christian and a (well, since I’m not Catholic, I’d have to be Protestant) believer in Christ and all that, what he just said reeaaalllyy bugs me. I have never believed that you have to earn anything to get to God since it says many times in the NT that you can’t earn God’s love or anything. It’s a gift. So that’s all annoyed me when somebody says things like what the priest said. Then again, historically, the Catholic Church has fallen on that side of salvation. You can do something to fall out of grace even though it’s said many times that you can’t. I realize that it’s probably a con to get Ricardo to the island but that idea is bothersome to me. And the British guy just said Captain Hanso and there is the Black Rock so bye.

  17. David says:

    And just like that, answers to two long standing questions about the island.

  18. Rus from Texas (Lonestare) says:


    1) You should post a SPOILER ALERT.
    2) Let’s not turn this into a religious debate. It’s a TV show.

  19. Jesse says:

    WOW….that opening scene with Richard was awesome…
    I’m catching up minus commercials..
    so expect more posts..

    but man Richards laugh was PERFECT.

  20. EricFromOhio says:

    Richard is cannot be “claimed”/killed by Smokey/Devil because he is “covered by the Grace of God”. He has asked for forgiveness for his sins and although the priest did not grant that forgiveness, ultimately it is up to God. PLEASE reread my posts from the last 3 episodes for a more detailed description of the REAL meaning of LOST and the ultimate story that we are witnessing.

  21. Ryan says:

    Spoilers for the week’s episode are a given in these threads. But it’s probably better to save your comments until you’ve seen all of it. Running commentary revelation by revelation is fun in the moment, but can be a bear for those coming to the conversation later.

  22. EricFromOhio says:

    At commercial break(48 mins. in)….Richard was just baptized by Jacob(God) after the MIB(the devil) tried to manipulate him into killing Jacob for him.

    Many have laughed at my “The Story behind the story” descriptions for weeks and yet with every episode the story of LOST that the writiers are giving us falls into place exactly with what I have said.

    Sorry Ryan…but I haven’t heard you give my comments any credit and they are exactly what we have seen each week just after myself and others have described them.

  23. EricFromOhio says:

    RUS from Texas: “Let’s not turn this into a religious debate…” I have to laugh. It’s no debate…, the religious “debate” IS the TV show that we have all been enjoying for the past 6 years…it’s just becoming clear to many people now that that is the story.

  24. Mike B. says:

    Best. Episode. Ever.

    Looks like another nomination for an Emmy for Nestor’s fabulous performance in this episode.

  25. The scene between Richard and the Man in Black on the Black Rock was a textbook homage to the scene between Randall Flagg and Lloyd Henreid in the Stand. So much so that I almost let out a fanboyesque squeal as it happened.

    With The Stand in mind, I can’t help but wonder if the parallels will get even closer – could Claire be Lost’s Trashcan Man? Both crazy, and inadvertently causing the MiB’s demise? Will Sawyer be like Larry Underwood, Who will die in the service of the side of good? Will Ben laugh in the face of UnLocke’s power like Glen Bateman, only to die at the hands of Sayid (who could technically be the modern version of Lloyd). What about Kate – is she Franny? Would that make Jack Stu Redman and Hurley Tom Cullen? (Tom did have a vision of the dead – his friend Nick, who died just as heroically as Charlie did….)

    So many obvious influences, and even if it does go this way, I won’t be disappointed in the least. The character archetypes in The Stand are some of the finest in modern literature, and if Darlton want to borrow from them, more power to them.

    Only 9 more hours until it ends….

  26. Stacey, NC says:

    Holy Freakin’ Crap!!!!!

    This one’s right up there with “Flashes Before Your Eyes” and “The Constant”!!!!!

    I’m going to have to re-watch it about 4 or 5 times more than all the others!

  27. KathyD says:

    Awesome episode. Lots of answers.

  28. Blake Petit says:

    So it seems like the Island, for lack of a better term, is Spiritual Alcatraz. It’s a prison. Smokey is the Devil (or at the very least, a pretty nasty demon of some sort) and Jacob is/was the warden keeping him in place. I’m loving this season.

  29. LReene says:


  30. Mattfromnd says:

    Seemed like they spent awfully long time with Richard chained up in the ship, time I felt could have been spent on something else. Oh well, still a really good episode.

  31. David says:

    Really good episode. I liked how MIB tried to get Jacob in the past and the “loophole” at the end with the smashed bottle. Gets around the whole cork thing. Also, about the religous stuff, that’s been on this show and in this blog for a lloonngg time, so why stop now. I was just saying that if the priest was real, that line of thinking has bugged me for a while. If he was somehow a part of getting Richard to the island or something, then he really get Richard to despair and get him into the whole “this is hell” mindset. And I have also seen comments made during the episode, so I’m not sure why that was a problem. Anyway, show and podcast, much love. I’m one of those who are just watching the show for the show and enjoy each episode (or chapter of the book) at it comes, so, now I gotta wait another week. Sigh.

  32. Stacey, NC says:

    Definitely worth the wait…and finally….SOME ANSWERS!!! Whoo Hoo!!!

  33. Crystal in Raleigh says:

    Nestor Carbonell = Fantabulous! Richard Alpert’s story was fantastic. It was everything I expected and more. It was confirmed that Richard arrived on the Black Rock and we finally got introduced to the original Hanso whose descendant funded the Dharma initiative. Richard also met MIB in both smoke and man form, and he was touched by Jacob. Jacob’s touch provides unending life. The six candidates cannot die if they have been touched by Jacob. Or is this true? The opening scence and the extra 6 minutes are awesome. I’m still in holy freaking crap mode. I need to digest this. And rewatch!

  34. Man from Jasper, AL says:

    I LOVED the mirror scenes to previous scenes, “I’m so happy to see you out of those chains” for example.

  35. Dave in AL says:

    Wow. Just finished the episode and waiting to see Richard’s story was well worth the wait. It became the most heart wrenching episode of the series at the end with Isabella, more so than the “Constant” with Penny and Desmond. I’m glad they devoted the whole episode to Richard (well, they pretty much had to, no other way to tell it with the remaining time) but it worked really well nonetheless.

  36. Rus from Texas (Lonestare) says:

    ******** SPOILER ALERT **************

    – So the Island is a cork keeping evil incarnate trapped “where it belongs’.
    – Jacob brings people to the island to prove MIB wrong (that people are corruptible)
    – Jacob brought the Black Rock (Richard) to the island. Jacob gets people to the island.
    – Richard, a religious man is the only one spared by the smoke monster/MIB of those who came in the Black Rock.
    – Richard is recruited by Jacob to help him bring people to the island and grants him his desire (never die).

    Hmmm… still processing….

  37. Mattfromnd says:

    Hmmm, in “the incident” we saw Jacob/mib watching a ship approach the island. It was day and calm waters. While it was never confirmed that was the blackrock, many fans assumed it was. But then tonight, the blackrock comes at night in a storm.

    Either that wasn’t the blackrock at all, just another ship or Maybe I’m just being nitpicky.

  38. Chris Scarboro says:

    Without question the best episode of all time!!!

  39. Nana says:


    Ok i have to say, being SPANISH this episode was just epic, made of win…so many answers:
    How the Black Rock ended in the middle of the Jungle
    What happened to the statue
    Why Richard does not age
    What the island is (A cork really!? Well I knew this from spoilers since a while back but still)
    We got more insight into Jacob and MIB’s relationship and OMG…HOW AMAZING WAS THIS EPISODE!?

    This is what we were missing this season, this is what LOST needs….wow. BEST EPISODE in S6 and wayyyyyyyy up there overall.
    Loved it.

    So….is MIB eeeeeeeevil then? Are we to believe Jacob? Why does he want to leave so badly, and what did he mean, “HE TOOK MY BODY AND MY HUMANITY”
    Also, wasn’t his speech to Richard the EXACT same words Dogen conveyed to Sayid when he sent him to kill Flocke? Mmmmm…interesting knife there too…looks byzantine….

    And finally…what was up with psycho Jacob? Did the drugs wear off?What happened to his mellow, laid back self?
    Anyone else felt like he was not himself *wink wink* then?

    Loved it!



  40. Stacey, NC says:

    The thing with the priest kind of reflects back through the history of the Catholic Church – pennance and the selling of indulgences and the like. It didn’t bother me at all, given the history of Christianity.

    The thing that did bug me a little bit though – and maybe someone here has the answer to my question – was America still being referred to as the “New World” in the year that Richard’s backstory takes place? I would have thought by then that it would have been commonly referred to as “America” by then. I know – it’s just a minor detail, but the writers of this show are so good, that every tiny little detail is automatically subject to scrutiny.

  41. Brendan from WI says:

    Really good episode. Nestor Carbonell sure proved his acting chops with this one.
    So, when Isabella first met Richard on the island, was that really her? I think it was MIB. We know he can take the form of people after they die. Also, Richard was unable to see her at the end. Only Hurley was able to see her. So MIB probably took her form to try to convince Richard to kill Jacob.

  42. karen says:

    Wow, loved tonight’s episode! Great back story on one of my fav characters, and some interesting details revealed.

    BTW, love your podcast — it’s very well-done and fun to listen to.

  43. Rus from Texas (Lonestare) says:

    Eric from Ohio: I don’t see any problems discussing religion in context with the show. What I means is that I hope threads don’t turn into religious theology debates in and of themselves without discussing them in context of the show. In other words… going off on tangents if I don’t agree with how the writers represent or misrepresent a particular religion. Hope this clarifies…

  44. Jesse says:


    ok …

    Excellent acting, excellent reveals…
    and even though I read one or two complains about Richard in the chains..
    I actually thought it told us so much about what he went through, his struggle, and how MiB could so easily fool him. He waited til right before the end.

    THE BAD:
    While the get the religious symbolism and wouldn’t mind it all one bit..
    again, I swear they said this could all be explained by science.



    UGH… we need that Jacob centric episode now please.

    Either way, I think this was a terrific episode.

  45. Andrew B says:

    Hello Ryan and Jen. This episode was good. I don’t believe that it was great because I wanted more explanation on the rivalry of Jacob and M.I.B. The man in black is definitely evil because he uses people memories and fears to exploit them.
    With so many twists and turns how could this show possibly end in 8 weeks???

  46. Laura says:

    Loved this episode was of the best one’s so far. I’m glad we finally get an insight on jacob and mib’s relationship. Also I love how mib says to Richard “stab him with this, don’t let him once he talks it’s too late” And did anyone see when the boar is in the boat with Richard and he tries to kill the boar with the little pick it didn’t work, so does that mean the boar doesn’t exist? Gotta love this show

  47. MarioPhiladelphia says:

    Incredible episode and Nestor Carbonell really carried his weight.

    An amazing scene was watching the Black Rock being carried by a wave onto the island and crashing into the statue!

    So Richard is fed up and ready to switch over to MiB’s side, but Isabella – through Hurley – says not to let him leave the island. It’s like Ghost and Hurley is Whoopi!

    I’m still not buying that the island is hell, but that it’s meant figuratively and not litterally.

  48. Brendan from WI says:

    I also wanted to say that Titus Welliver did a great job as well, as MIB. I liked how his performance drew from Terry O’Quinn’s portrayal of MIB/Locke. Some of his expressions & speech patterns were very evocative of Terry’s performance.

  49. T.J. Godwin says:

    After watching tonight’s show, I am sure that the purpose of the island is to keep MIB trapped. It’s like a prison and Jacob is his prison guard. Jacob is recruiting new guards to keep MIB locked up forever. MIB must have did something really bad and was sentenced to life imprisonment on the island. Also the reason I think the island was under water is because MIB was killed thus eradicating the need of the island. One last thing, Hurly is becoming more and more like Whoopi Goldberg from Ghost. I thought Isabelle was going to posseses Hurley and then Hurley was going to kiss Richard. lol

  50. Ted, MI says:

    wow! I loved this episode! I really like the religious turn this show is taking.

    I am starting to think that the MIB is evil/ the devil. I am starting to think Jacob represents God or a part of God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) although they are inseparably. I also believed Jacob when he said he has to keep MIB on the island so the evil will not spread.

    The conversation between MIB and Jacob at the end explains perfectly why Illania has to protect the candidates. Just who will the finale candidate be?

    A really great episode. I loved all the mythology

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