Trans 2008-08-10: “Comic-Con in Review”


Finally coming down off our Comic-Con high, we recap our San Diego adventure from beginning to end. Some details will be old news if you hung on our every word while there, but we do cover Ed Hochuli, Richard Hatch, “Middleman,” and other fun details. Then we digest the “LOST” panel having had two weeks to process it, and share the immediate reactions to the panel from Jay and Jack and Colleen and John. We step into the smallest “Forward Cabin” ever, then close with our plan to revisit Season 2 during the hiatus.

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8 Responses to Trans 2008-08-10: “Comic-Con in Review”

  1. Manila Raf says:

    Good to hear Ryan & Jen again. I was able to listen to the Jay & Jack panel with you guys on it and I have to say I loved you guys (among others too), especially Ryan’s response to Jen saying she wouldn’t want to learn about the 4-toed statue. 🙂

    Loved the podcast, especially the interviews with Jay, Jack, John, & Colleen. Can’t wait to get to the Season 2 podcasts as well as hearing about filming updates there in Hawaii. Take care and I hope to hear you again soon.


  2. Ilias says:

    Hi guys, it is wonderful to hear your voices again. I listen to about half the podcast during my commute on the Autobahn this morning. It seems that you had lots and lots of fun.

    A few days ago they announced that Season 4 DVDs are coming out in the UK on Blue-Ray on Oct. 20th (here in Germany they are a few years behind on Lost and most other TV-shows). It is awesome to be able to watch the show on HiDef. So I have pre ordered it and me and my wife will start rewatching the whole series in the next few weeks. Hopefully we can pace it (it is always difficult to stop watching) so that we can finish S3 by the end of October. From then on it is the last stretch before we start with S5.

    Listening to the panel the thought that kept bothering me is that it is only two more seasons. It bothered me not because I believe they should keep going but because I am afraid what will happen after my “fix” stops airing. As you guys are fellow Lostaholics you may know what I am talking about. Then as I was watching S2 of Dexter, Dexter gave me a good idea. I should warm to the idea of joining an AA meeting to get over the addiction. Thankfully I still have some time….

    Cannot wait for you guys to get back to your podcasting on the different episodes…..

    Take care for now and until soon, auf wiedersehen

  3. Ash says:

    Great to hear you guys again. Just wanted to say thanks to you both for the wonderful reports from Comic-Con. It almost felt like I was at the panel. 🙂

    Looking forward to the season two podcasts!

  4. Nels says:

    Hey Ryan and Jen, still listening to the podcast but I just passed the part about your Middleman panel experience (which I also attended) and wanted to pass along some info. The episode you watched was #8 in the season but unfortunately the season will only be 12 episodes.

    Season 2 is still not ordered so Javi is trying to drum up support for the show to try to get a season 2 made. You can read more at Unfortunately, ABC Family hasn’t really been showing the previous episodes but they are available on iTunes. I’ve been watching it since it started and have been trying to really spread the word about the show. It was great to see the standing room only turnout at the Comic Con panel though but it’s sad to hear that there may not be any more Middleman after episode 12. Hopefully people will give it a chance and if they like it let ABC Family know on their web site or sending them a letter (along with M&Ms).

    Anyway, back to the podcast. Just wanted to pass along The Middleman info.


  5. arbitrary says:

    Hi! I finally managed to find my way to the website after listening to the podcast forever. Thanks for all the Comic-Con stuff, it really rocked and was very useful since I think I’m coming over from the UK next year (my friend got me the ticket and is sorting out hotels and stuff, so I just need to buy the flight and um.. survive it!)

  6. monika matusova says:

    HI ryan and jen, i am big fan of yours, listening to the transmittion from little middle european country, SLOVAKIA. great, great show, i can hear it from your voice that you really love the TV show and your listeners as well. thank you sooooo much for making my mornings (with iPod on ears) funnier and better. stay the way you are, ´cause you are just perfect!

  7. Chris says:

    Thanks for all the updates from the con. They were great!

    I am glad you guys are still staying active to keep the show alive by watching the previous seasons during the long off season. I can’t wait for more information on Russo once the new season starts.

    I also can’t wait for the ARG to really get off the ground. I was a huge fan of the first one, and thought the second one was a let down. Though it does seem like they have to update their server. Every time I try to log on, I can’t get in.

    Keep up the great podcasts.

  8. alliet says:

    Hi Ryan and Jen, I love our podcasts and and always look forward to a new one with great anticipation.

    Ryan, at Jay and Jack’s panel you referenced, in passing, another podcast that mentioned something on the ground next to Jack in the opening scene of the pilot. I checked it out, and indeed, it looks like Ben’s baton laying above Jack’s left shoulder. Sure enough, there it is:

    It is on my Season 1 DVD also, so the Lost-Media image has not been doctored.

    What could this mean? Did Darlton plan this from the beginning? My mind is spinning, trying to figure this out.

    What are your thoughts?

    Keep up the great podcasts. Aloha from Seattle!

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