Trans 2011-05-23: The LOST Year


It was a year ago that “LOST” left the airwaves. Though it clearly took us far too long to say goodbye, there’s perhaps no better time than now to do so, looking back on the six-year spectacular run of our favorite TV show ever. For those still listening, thank you, and mahalo for being a part of this amazing journey.

In this two-hour final podcast, we cover “The Other 364 Days,” touching on what’s happened since our penultimate show, from Comic-Con to “The New Man In Charge” to the whereabouts of “LOST” alumni. Then we share our favorite episodes, scenes, and characters from the entire series. Next up, more than half an hour of LOSTLine calls where you share your own picks. Finally, after the last “LOST” song from The Others LOST Band, we invite you to join us on our new podcast.

  • 0:00:18 – Introduction
  • 0:04:30 – The Other 364 Days
  • 0:11:25 – Favorite Episodes of “LOST”
  • 0:53:23 – Favorite Moments of “LOST”
  • 1:11:25 – Feedback: You All Everybody
  • 1:47:49 – “The End” by The Others LOST Band
  • 1:54:10 – Namaste & Aloha

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53 Responses to Trans 2011-05-23: The LOST Year

  1. Billytwigs says:

    I knew it would happen.
    Can’t wait to hear it.
    Love you guys.
    It pays to keep checking back.

  2. greenberry says:

    I know what Ill be doing before the end (of this evening) draws nigh

  3. Carol from Boston says:

    I can’t wait to download this and listen to it. Thanks so much for giving us one last podcast. We miss you guys!

  4. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    Hooray! I’ve been relistening along with my rewatch. So I feel like it hasn’t been that long anymore.

  5. Sin Cara says:

    Oh Dios Mio

  6. So grateful for you two. Your podcast got me involved in a bigger world and connected me with friends from all over the world. Eager to listen to the podcast and anything you two put out. I hope to come visit Hawaii one of these years.

  7. Dan in MA says:

    I’m so happy I kept your RSS feed. Every time I opened up Google Reader I was hoping above all else to see your new podcast. Honestly I couldn’t believe it was finally here. Thank you both for giving me one last chance to hear a new Transmission. Mahalo!

    Now where is my Pop Spotting? =)

  8. Seth says:

    Seeing this pop up on my iTunes feed made my day! Haha

    Can’t wait to listen!

  9. Cat says:

    Ryan and Jen, thanks so much for the last podcast. It brings closure and I am looking forward to joining you on pop spotting. Wish you were doing Fringe!

    Having you and this blog over the last 6 years was so great and something to look forward to every week. Thanks again.

    P.S – How could you not mention Des as a favorite character? Some votes must have been lost …lol

  10. MJ from the Midwest "Lottery Ticket" says:

    “The Lost Year” is downloading. Mahalo! The coffee is brewing and when it’s I’m going to sit back, relax and enjoy for the last time your wonderful podcast. Oh! It’s nearly two hours long . . . brewing MORE coffee. 🙂 See you in San Diego. LT

  11. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    @Cat – come over to the Transmission Facebook page for some Fringe chat or The Fringepodcast and blog with us there,
    Namaste, Yogabon

  12. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    Just finished listening and want to thank you for taking on a final Transmission. ‘see’ you around, namaste and mahalo

  13. Melissa in MN says:

    The long-awaited last Transmission? Well, the world really can end now! Thanks, guys!

  14. NoVa says:

    Two days ago, I almost unsubscribed to The Transmission in iTunes believing that nothing more would come of it. This morning I fire up iTunes and the first podcast I see downloading is “The Lost Year”. Could it be? I’m afraid that it’s got to be an episode of “365 Days of Astronomy”, “Astronomy Cast”, “Cheap Astronomy Podcast”, “NOVA scienceNOW”, or any of a number of other podcasts I subscribe to. I have to look twice. Yes, it is The Transmission that is downloading now.

    But is says that it was cast by The Transmission on May 23 and today is only May 21. Jen, Ryan, did you transmit this on the right compass heading? The proper bearing was 325 degrees.

  15. LReene says:

    WOW!! Can’t WAIT to listen!! Sure seems good to see all the familiar faces above.

  16. Billytwigs says:

    Cannot tell you how happy/sad it made me to listen to the podcast. Lots of dust in the room. 😉
    It was the next best thing to time travel.
    I’m totally IN for POPSPOTTING! Looking forward to hearing your voices on a regular basis! (Hope you do lots of stuff on the new Hawaii Five 0! I love it. (I had to go back to the ISLAND!)
    Mahalo again!

  17. greenberry says:

    Listening to your final podcast made me realize how unique all of our experiences with this magical show are. I found myself relating to maybe 20% of your favorite episodes and moments. There are certain things that the majority of us agree on: that the Pilot and Season One were amazing, that Ben was a diabolical and magnetic character, that Eko was a super-cool character, that every Desmond-centric episode was a mind-boggling game-changer, that the chemistry between him and Penny was heart-bursting and that “The Constant” was a stand-out favorite episode, that Locke really dominated Season One starting with Walk-about, and that the accompanying musical score throughout the entire series was stellar, among others that are slipping my mind at the moment.

    One of the callers mentioned the moment that Jack and Sawyer shared about Christian’s message to his son as a favorite moment and I couldn’t agree more. Additionally, the moment when Miles witnessed his father truly loving him as a baby in Season 5, and when Sawyer was finally able to get some release and relief after killing the man (Locke’s birth dad) who had destroyed his family. For me, LOST was and always will be about either being able to ‘move on’ from painful ‘Father’ or childhood issues, or finding redemption, and in either case ultimately learning to be whole and connected and useful and loved.

  18. greenberry says:

    Hooray for ‘bad-ass’ Kate who saved a bullet.

  19. roger says:

    How I miss this!! Thanks guys! sniff!!!

  20. Rich in Cleveland says:

    I’m listening right now. Best birthday gift ever!

  21. Will says:

    Kate finally had her own baby. Did she name her Aaron though?

  22. greenberry says:

    Yes, this is probably why Evangeline Lilly has not been overly visible as of late. As per my comment above, I loved EVERY part of LOST, so I also loved all the moments and episodes you two mentioned in your final wrap-up podcast; they just weren’t all necessarily my favorite parts. Also, I too would be thrilled to be on board for POP-spotting. After a 20+ year hiatus from TV/ movies/ music, I have come full circle and really enjoy following culture and SOME of the latest trends ~~ particularly well-written, acted, directed, scored and photographed movies.

  23. Tracey in PA says:

    Thanks for doing this. I’ve been a fan for years. I enjoyed the ride and miss it dearly but don’t see myself revisiting it. I wasn’t too happy with how the show ended but oh well.

  24. Mattfromnd says:

    When I download it, I only get the first hour of it. I’ve tried downloading it several times and the same thing keeps happening.

  25. LReene says:

    In my humble opinion…….. probably the best podcast of them all.

    I think it is real easy for all of us to gloss over the kind of dedication and time that must have been given by Ryan and Jen in doing the Transmission podcasts. But this last one, from the comments, to the well thought out favorites, to the telephone calls and snippets of the show itself…… WOW!

    All I could think of all the way through was how many hours must Ryan & Jen have given to all of us, and the LOST fan base, to make such a production.

    Thank you Ryan and Jen!!! Some of the individual weekly podcasts may in time get deleted. But this last one will be archived forever and placed in with the 6 year DVD set. Or maybe the Blu-Ray set. Or possibly both!! 🙂 You guys are the greatest!!!


    PS Did I say how good it was to see all the familiar names above again! Just like “old home week”. hehehehe

  26. Bart says:

    I am glad that I saw you had one last podcast. It was great to reminisce and hear your voices again. Thanks for all the hard work you have done to bring your podcast to us.

  27. aaronr says:

    thank you guys so much for this. The Transmission was my introduction to the online community. i made some wonderful friends through this, and as i’ve said more than once, LOST went a long way towards keeping me sane. i’m listening right now and it’s maybe good that you took so long to put up the Final Podcast, as we’ve had time to come to grips with The Ending and our feelings.
    Thank you Ryan and Jen. Between the life-changing experience of LOST and the people that it brought together, my life has been enriched and i’ll remember you all, always.

  28. greenberry says:

    I can’t wait to come back to Hawaii and visit again. You two and your children are awesome. My favorite part of your podcast(s) is the wonderful rhythm and flow you two bring to your presentation, and of course the sensitive and thoughtful observations you make throughout.

  29. Chrisfromtulsa says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Maybe now I can let go. What a lovely sendoff to the show that meant so much to so many of us. I found your podcast when Sayid shot the young Ben Linus. That episode blew my mind and sent me to seek other fans for theories. You guys were and always will be my favotite podcasters. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. Will miss the show and your podcasts. Namaste.

  30. Amaia says:

    Hi YAE, Jen and Ryan:

    Today is the first anniversary without “LOST” but I am still with my rewatch so I haven’t let the show go yet.

    Some thoughts about what you commented:

    -“The New Man in Charge”: I think its explanations were a bit for dummies, see the polar bears (really?) and the pregnant women (that made me congratulate myself because my theory was true). I’d have liked to see how Desmond went out from the Island and met Penny again.

    -The Sawyer-Juliet (yeah, she was the best among the actresses, she’s simply amazing) relationship: I agree with you. It wasn’t likely to happen but they started to trust in each other and besides she was the only one who could control James!

    And, oh boy, that cut you chose with the great John Locke (my favourite character) saying “don’t tell me what I can’t do, this is my destiny” is hearbreaking. And the one between Penny and Desmond… I saw the episode recently and well, seeing that I can’t still understand why there are people who say the most important thing from the show weren’t the characters but the mistery.

    Thank you for this amazing podcast, I was a new listener during season six but I enjoyed a lot listening to it and besides I met great people thanks to it.

    At this point I should say… Namaste and good luck 😉

    Pd: By the way, the last song from The Others Lost band is the most beautiful of all.

  31. Tina says:

    Hi! I couldn’t come in contact with you for years, because I had a bad connection, and now that it’s over I get my chance. I loved Lost, I wish there were more of it. I wish there were an internet Lost game where I could get my chance to be Ben. I miss, miss, miss this show.

  32. Mattfromnd says:

    Download still not working.
    Tried 3 times today and got less than an hour each time.

    Awesome. Wait almost a year for it and then it doesn’t work. Excellant work Ryan and Jen.

  33. says:

    Jen & Ryan,

    Thanks so much for this last podcast. I can only imagine how much effort went in to producing it. I can’t thank you enough.

    As always, I’ll probably be listening while traveling. It always makes those plane trips go faster.

    As my license plate says, I’m “Still Lost”. I miss the show and The Transmission.

    Thanks again and I’ll see you on PopSpotting!

    All the Best,
    Mike R.

  34. Seth says:

    Really enjoyed the last episode. Amazing how it felt like no time had passed as soon as you started talking. Thanks for all your hard work over the years. It was appreciated so much.

    Plus, I’m definitely IN for Popspotting too!

  35. Embie says:

    Funny how I was beginning to believe that my obsession with LOST had been part of a collective delusion. This was when I was straightening things up and putting the collection box back together with the secret disk in its hiding spot. Funny that the very next day I see your podcast downloading to iTunes, and now I am cast back into remembering how wonderful LOST was/is, and how much I enjoyed the online discussions with YAE and your sweet voices on the podcasts. Almost ready for a rewatch. Having trouble moving on. Lyle said it right above, that the work you put into this podcast shows how much you care, and how thoughtful you are in your work. Best of success in everythng new for you.

  36. Darrenf72 says:

    Guys – thanks a lot for all your podcasting efforts over the years, it’s been a great journey. The last time i shed a tear was the finale last year and then again last night, when i heard the emotion in Ryan’s voice talking about ‘the constant’. Amazing stuff. Hopefully will get to visit hawaii from UK one day, like you guys it looks great (-;
    See ya on the other side…

  37. Jon in TN says:

    Ryan and Jen,

    Looking back on my Lost experience as a whole, you guys became as much as part of it as the show itself. You’ve got my vote for favorite characters!

    I’ll stay tuned in – just in case another Transmission comes floating out from across time and space…

  38. greenberry says:

    Just did a re-listen this Sunday a.m. and I loved your ‘classic’ final podcast even more the second time around. Now I can’t wait to do a Summer re-watch (especially since I had the privilege of doing an Oahu LOST tour this past Winter).

  39. navajo777 says:

    It is so awesome to see you finally released the “year in the making”final podcast. Lately there has not been much to be excited about, as I am getting a divorce, but I must say this is the most joy I have had in the past month and I haven’t even listened yet. Thanks Ryan and Jen. I will tell you what I think about the podcast very soon.

  40. John says:

    First, thx Ryan and Jen for the years of dedication…. Second, is there a site out there that list some sort of master ‘diagram’ of LOST? Like a timeline that super-imposes everything? There is so much to digest with the show, the island, the characters, the other-others, time travel, statues, etc….

    If I ever get the chance to buy the DVD set and watch it all within a few days time – maybe it will all fit together. Watching over a period of years you tent to forget things from year to year and genrally lose that ‘overall view and understanding’.

  41. Ryan says:

    I don’t know about a singular, unifying diagram (which would have to be the size of a small building), but there are resources like Lostpedia (a very thorough wiki) and the “LOST Encyclopedia,” a giant tome that came out last year.

  42. Rich in Cleveland says:

    Is there a way to download the older archived podcasts into I tunes? I would love to be able to manage the way I listen to them.

    I had much the same experience with the “Lost Encyclopedia” as I did with “The End.” Beautiful, but unsatisfactory in terms of the grand design. I think the prevailing opinion on the ultimate meaning of Lost has coalesced around what was immediately observable, ignoring the subtext. Some of the loose ends we labored over have been dismissed. However, Ryan pointed out in reference to Jughead that you do not introduce a gun in Act I unless you intend for it to go off in Act III. But neither do you introduce oracular warnings about the end of the world, pandemic infections, indications that the fabric of reality is coming undone etc without any proper resolution.

  43. greenberry says:

    Wasn’t Jack taking care of business on the island (after Jacob dies) and then passing that responsibility on to Hurley with Ben as his “Number 2” the resolution? Is that too simple? The story started with Jack opening his eye and ended with him closing his eye ~~ it was His journey and his journey satisfactorily concluded. The rest is as Ryan said “Window Dressing.”

  44. Matt says:

    Question, I rewatched walkabout the other night and I need to know if you, or anyone else, feel like man in black took over Locke in the scene where they came face to face. The show cut to a commercial and at the time it first aired we all assumed it was a chance encounter that exposed one of our character to the evil on the island. Now seeing the end, did Locke get taken over by MIB then or not? I’m still not sure.

  45. Rich in Cleveland says:

    My answer would be a definitive no, although it seemed like a plausible theory for some time. In Season 6 MIB said that Locke was a sucker who provided him with the one thing he needed, the dead body of a candidate. The iconic scene you refer to pushed Locke toward his ultimate fate, but didn’t immediately claim him.

  46. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    I think Locke got ‘infected’ with MIB-ishness but not fully possessed until the physical death.

    @ Rich – I have a PC and had to right click on the audio play from The Transmission archives and Save As into my PC then Add File on Itunes. It up or downloads as a music file instead of a podcast with Ryan & Jen as the Artists. The downside being it doesn’t really SAVE your place if you go off and do something else but if you note the minute marker you can fastforward to where you left off.

    Also I had some that just wouldn’t load but only a few. Hope this helps! Nice to See you again on the Blog, come on over to Facebook and keep up with some of us Diehards over there!

  47. Bonita in Atlanta says:

    @Ryan could you post the link to your archive again here for Rich?

  48. Ryan says:

    Thanks, Bonita. You can work your way through the archives here on the site (listed by date or searchable on the front page), look for our backups on the Internet Archive (, or look at the list within iTunes (most of our back episodes are indexed).

  49. Rich in Cleveland says:


  50. Gustavo Delgado says:

    I should have done this earlier, but better late than never: I just write to thank you for your blog. I really enjoyed reading your reviews after every episode. Good luck in everything you do.
    Saludos, y mucho éxito en todo.

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